- type(+Type)
- SHA algorithm used to compute the digest. Values are
. The default is a cryptographically secure algorithm. If you specify a variable, then it is unified with the algorithm that was used. - encoding(+Encoding)
- Encoding to use for Data. Default is
. Alternatives areoctet
This predicate can be used to compute a sha256WithRSAEncryption
signature as follows:
sha256_with_rsa(PemKeyFile, Password, Data, Signature) :- Algorithm = sha256, read_key(PemKeyFile, Password, Key), crypto_data_hash(Data, Hash, [algorithm(Algorithm), encoding(octet)]), rsa_sign(Key, Hash, Signature, [type(Algorithm)]). read_key(File, Password, Key) :- setup_call_cleanup( open(File, read, In, [type(binary)]), load_private_key(In, Password, Key), close(In)).
Note that a hash that is computed by crypto_data_hash/3 can be directly used in rsa_sign/4 as well as ecdsa_sign/4.