- Documentation
- Reference manual
- The SWI-Prolog library
- library(lists): List Manipulation
- member/2
- append/3
- append/2
- prefix/2
- select/3
- selectchk/3
- select/4
- selectchk/4
- nextto/3
- delete/3
- nth0/3
- nth1/3
- nth0/4
- nth1/4
- last/2
- proper_length/2
- same_length/2
- reverse/2
- permutation/2
- flatten/2
- clumped/2
- max_member/2
- min_member/2
- sum_list/2
- max_list/2
- min_list/2
- numlist/3
- is_set/1
- list_to_set/2
- intersection/3
- union/3
- subset/2
- subtract/3
- library(lists): List Manipulation
- The SWI-Prolog library
- Packages
- Reference manual

pairs that
represents the run length encoding of Items. For
?- clumped([a,a,b,a,a,a,a,c,c,c], R). R = [a-2, b-1, a-4, c-3].
- Compatibility
- SICStus