Table for the 158 triples with object <> sorted by label

?:Adeline Hazan?:place of birth
?:Alain Bombard?:place of birth
?:Alain Krivine?:place of birth
?:Alain Madelin?:place of birth
?:Alain Marleix?:place of birth
?:Alain Pompidou?:place of birth
?:Alfred Coste-Floret?:place of death
?:Alima Boumediene-Thiery?:work location
?:Aline Archimbaud?:work location
?:André Diligent?:work location
?:André Laignel?:place of birth
?:André Rossi?:place of death
?:André Sainjon?:place of birth
?:Anne-Marie Dupuy?:place of death
?:Antoinette Fouque?:place of death
?:Arlette Laguiller?:place of birth
?:Aymeri de Montesquiou?:work location
?:Bernadette Bourzai?:work location
?:Bernard Frimat?:work location
?:Bernard Lehideux?:place of birth
?:Bernard Stasi?:place of death
?:Bernard Tapie?:place of birth
?:Brigitte Douay?:place of birth
?:Bruno Mégret?:place of birth
?:Catherine Grèze?:place of birth
?:Catherine Néris?:place of birth
?:Charles Baur?:place of birth
?:Charles Josselin?:work location
?:Charles Pasqua?:work location
?:Christian Cabrol?:place of death
?:Christian Poncelet?:work location
?:Christian de La Malène?:place of death
?:Christian de La Malène?:work location
?:Christiane Papon?:work location
?:Christophe Béchu?:work location
?:Claude Allègre?:place of birth
?:Claude Cheysson?:place of birth
?:Claude Cheysson?:place of death
?:Claude Delcroix?:place of birth
?:Claude Estier?:place of death
?:Claude Estier?:work location
?:Claude Malhuret?:work location
?:Denis Baudouin?:place of birth
?:Dick Ukeiwé?:work location
?:Didier Motchane?:place of birth
?:Dominique Baudis?:place of birth
?:Dominique Chaboche?:place of birth
?:Dominique Voynet?:work location
?:Edgar Faure?:place of death
?:Edgar Faure?:work location
?:Fabienne Keller?:work location
?:France Jamet?:place of birth
?:Francisque Collomb?:work location
?:François Froment-Meurice?:place of birth
?:François Zimeray?:place of birth
?:Frédérique Bredin?:place of birth
?:Gabriel Kaspereit?:place of birth
?:Gaston Flosse?:work location
?:Geneviève Fraisse?:place of birth
?:Georges Frischmann?:place of birth
?:Georges Marchais?:place of death
?:Gilbert Devèze?:work location
?:Gilles Martinet?:place of birth
?:Gisèle Moreau?:place of birth
?:Gérard Longuet?:work location
?:Gérard d'Aboville?:place of birth
?:Harlem Désir?:place of birth
?:Henri Caillavet?:work location
?:Henri Weber?:work location
?:Henri de Lassus Saint-Geniès?:place of birth
?:Hervé Novelli?:place of birth
?:Hélène Carrère d'Encausse?:place of birth
?:Jacqueline Nebout?:place of death
?:Jacqueline Thome-Patenôtre?:place of birth
?:Jacques Chirac?:place of birth
?:Jacques Chirac?:residence
?:Jacques Delors?:place of birth
?:Jacques Donnay?:work location
?:Jacques Vernier?:place of birth
?:James Goldsmith?:place of birth
?:Janelly Fourtou?:place of birth
?:Jean Arthuis?:work location
?:Jean Lecanuet?:work location
?:Jean de Lipkowski?:place of birth
?:Jean de Lipkowski?:place of death
?:Jean-Claude Pasty?:place of death
?:Jean-François Deniau?:place of birth
?:Jean-François Deniau?:place of death
?:Jean-Louis Borloo?:place of birth
?:Jean-Luc Bennahmias?:place of birth
?:Jean-Luc Mélenchon?:work location
?:Jean-Marie Vanlerenberghe?:work location
?:Jean-Paul Hugot?:work location
?:Jean-Pierre Raffarin?:work location
?:Jean-Pierre Stirbois?:place of birth
?:Jean-Thomas Nordmann?:place of birth
?:Jeannou Lacaze?:place of death
?:Laurent Fabius?:place of birth
?:Louis Baillot?:place of birth
?:Louis Baillot?:place of death
?:Luc Beyer?:place of death
?:Léon Fatous?:work location
?:Léon Schwartzenberg?:place of birth
?:Magdeleine Anglade?:place of death
?:Magdeleine Anglade?:work location
?:Marie-Christine Arnautu?:place of birth
?:Marie-Jacqueline Desouches?:place of birth
?:Marie-Madeleine Dienesch?:place of death
?:Marie-Madeleine Fourcade?:place of death
?:Marie-Noëlle Lienemann?:work location
?:Marie-Thérèse Hermange?:work location
?:Marielle de Sarnez?:place of birth
?:Martine Lehideux?:place of birth
?:Maurice Druon?:place of birth
?:Maurice Druon?:place of death
?:Maurice Duverger?:place of death
?:Maurice Faure?:work location
?:Michel Barnier?:work location
?:Michel Debré?:place of birth
?:Michel Junot?:place of birth
?:Michel Poniatowski?:place of birth
?:Michel Poniatowski?:work location
?:Michel Rocard?:work location
?:Miguel Viegas?:place of birth
?:Nicolas Alfonsi?:work location
?:Nicolas Sarkozy?:place of birth
?:Nicole Chouraqui?:place of death
?:Pascale Gruny?:work location
?:Patrick Gaubert?:place of birth
?:Paul Vergès?:work location
?:Paul-Marie Coûteaux?:place of birth
?:Philippe Malaud?:place of birth
?:Pierre Baudis?:work location
?:Pierre Bernard-Reymond?:work location
?:Pierre Mauroy?:work location
?:Pierre Messmer?:place of death
?:Pierre Moscovici?:place of birth
?:Raymond Forni?:place of death
?:Robert Chambeiron?:place of birth
?:Robert Hue?:work location
?:Robert Navarro?:work location
?:Robert Rochefort?:place of birth
?:Roger Chinaud?:place of birth
?:Roger Chinaud?:work location
?:Roger Karoutchi?:work location
?:Roger Partrat?:place of death
?:Roland Gaucher?:place of birth
?:Roland Gaucher?:place of death
?:Stéphane Buffetaut?:place of birth
?:William Abitbol?:place of birth
?:Xavier Deniau?:place of birth
?:Xavier Deniau?:work location
?:Yannick Vaugrenard?:work location
?:Yasmine Boudjenah?:place of birth
?:Yiannos Papantoniou?:place of birth
?:Yves Galland?:place of birth
?:Édouard Ferrand?:place of death
?:Éric Pinel?:place of birth