Table for the 3,406 triples with object lpv:Speaker sorted by label

lp:Abdoulaye Waderdf:type
lp:Abdul Kalamrdf:type
lp:Abdullah IIrdf:type
lp:Achille Occhettordf:type
lp:Adam Bielardf:type
lp:Adam Bielanrdf:type
lp:Adam Bielan, Marcin Libicki and Konrad Szymański (UEN )rdf:type
lp:Adam Fronczakrdf:type
lp:Adam Gierekrdf:type
lp:Adam Szejnfeldrdf:type
lp:Adam and O'Toole (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Adamos Adamourdf:type
lp:Adeline Hazanrdf:type
lp:Adina-Ioana Văleanrdf:type
lp:Adrian Manolerdf:type
lp:Adrian Severinrdf:type
lp:Adriana Poli Bortonerdf:type
lp:Afzal Khanrdf:type
lp:Agag Longo and Evans, Robert J.E. (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Agnes Jongeriusrdf:type
lp:Agnes Schierhuberrdf:type
lp:Agnieszka Kozłowska-rajewiczrdf:type
lp:Agnès Le Brunrdf:type
lp:Agustín Díaz De Mera García Consuegrardf:type
lp:Ahern, Bertierdf:type
lp:Ahmad Badr El Din El Hassounrdf:type
lp:Ahmed Qurierdf:type
lp:Ahmed al-Zubair Ahmed al-Sanusi.rdf:type
lp:Alain Cadecrdf:type
lp:Alain Esclopérdf:type
lp:Alain Hutchinsonrdf:type
lp:Alain Krivinerdf:type
lp:Alain Lamassourerdf:type
lp:Alain Lamassourerdf:type
lp:Alain Lipietzrdf:type
lp:Alain Madelinrdf:type
lp:Alajos Mészárosrdf:type
lp:Alan John Donnellyrdf:type
lp:Alan Kellyrdf:type
lp:Alassane Ouattarardf:type
lp:Albert Dessrdf:type
lp:Albert Jan Maatrdf:type
lp:Alberto Ciriordf:type
lp:Alda Sousardf:type
lp:Aldis Kušķisrdf:type
lp:Aldo Patriciellordf:type
lp:Alejandro Agag Longordf:type
lp:Alejandro Cercasrdf:type
lp:Alejo Vidal-Quadrasrdf:type
lp:Alejo Vidal-quadrasrdf:type
lp:Aleksander Marek Szczygłordf:type
lp:Aleksandrs Kiršteinsrdf:type
lp:Alessandra Morettirdf:type
lp:Alessandra Mussolinirdf:type
lp:Alessandro Battilocchiordf:type
lp:Alessandro Fogliettardf:type
lp:Alessia Maria Moscardf:type
lp:Alex Mayerrdf:type
lp:Alexander Alvaro, Jorgo Chatzimarkakis and Holger Krahmer (ALDE )rdf:type
lp:Alexander Alvaro, Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, Jürgen Creutzmann, Wolf Klinz, Silvana Koch-Mehrin, Britta Reimers and Michael Theurer (ALDE )rdf:type
lp:Alexander Alvaro, Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, Nadja Hirsch, Silvana Koch-Mehrin, Holger Krahmer, Britta Reimers and Alexandra Thein (ALDE )rdf:type
lp:Alexander Alvaro, Wolf Klinz, Silvana Koch-Mehrin, Holger Krahmer, Alexander Lambsdorff and Willem Schuth (ALDE )rdf:type
lp:Alexander Graf Lambsdorffrdf:type
lp:Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, Britta Reimers and Michael Theurer (ALDE )rdf:type
lp:Alexander Mirskyrdf:type
lp:Alexander Nuno Pickart Alvarordf:type
lp:Alexander Radwanrdf:type
lp:Alexander Stubbrdf:type
lp:Alexander Van der Bellenrdf:type
lp:Alexander de Roordf:type
lp:Alexandr Vondrardf:type
lp:Alexandra Dobolyirdf:type
lp:Alexandra Pascalidou.rdf:type
lp:Alexandra Theinrdf:type
lp:Alexandre Varautrdf:type
lp:Alexandros Alavanosrdf:type
lp:Alexandros Baltasrdf:type
lp:Alexandru Athanasiurdf:type
lp:Alexandru Nazarerdf:type
lp:Alexandru-Ioan Morțunrdf:type
lp:Alf Svenssonrdf:type
lp:Alfonso Andriardf:type
lp:Alfred Finzrdf:type
lp:Alfred Gomolkardf:type
lp:Alfred Santrdf:type
lp:Alfredo Antoniozzirdf:type
lp:Alfredo Pallonerdf:type
lp:Alfredo Pérez Rubalcabardf:type
lp:Alfreds Rubiksrdf:type
lp:Algimantas Rimkūnasrdf:type
lp:Algirdas Saudargasrdf:type
lp:Algirdas Šemetardf:type
lp:Ali Farzatrdf:type
lp:Alima Boumediene-thieryrdf:type
lp:Alin Lucian Antochirdf:type
lp:Alojz Peterlerdf:type
lp:Alonso José Puertardf:type
lp:Aloyzas Sakalasrdf:type
lp:Alun Michaelrdf:type
lp:Alyn Smithrdf:type
lp:Amadou Toumani Tourérdf:type
lp:Amalia Sartorirdf:type
lp:Ambroise Guellecrdf:type
lp:Amelia Andersdotterrdf:type
lp:Amjad Bashirrdf:type
lp:Ana Gomesrdf:type
lp:Ana Mato Adroverrdf:type
lp:Ana Mirandardf:type
lp:Ana Miranda De Lagerdf:type
lp:Ana Palacio Vallelersundirdf:type
lp:Anders Primdahl Vistisenrdf:type
lp:Anders Samuelsenrdf:type
lp:Anders Wijkmanrdf:type
lp:Andersen and Bonde (EDD )rdf:type
lp:Andersen and Sandbæk (EDD )rdf:type
lp:Andersen, Berthu, Bonde, Gahrton, Goodwill, Lucas, Ribeiro e Castro and Sandbæk (EDD )rdf:type
lp:Andersen, Bonde and Sandbæk (EDD )rdf:type
lp:Andersen, Bonde, Frahm, Krarup, Sandbæk, Schmid, Herman, Seppänen and Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Andersen, Bonde, Krarup and Sandbæk (EDD )rdf:type
lp:Andersson (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson and Karlsson (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson and Theorin (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Blak, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen, Hulthén, Hans Karlsson, Lund and Theorin (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Blak, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen, Hulthén, Hans Karlsson, Lund, Theorin and Thorning-Schmidt (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Blak, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen, Hulthén, Karlsson, Lund, Theorin and Thorning-Schmidt (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Blak, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen, Hulthén, Karlsson, Theorin and Thorning-Schmidt (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Blak, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen, Hulthén, Schori, Theorin and Thorning-Schmidt (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Blak, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen, Lund, Schori and Theorin (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Blak, Hedkvist Petersen, Hulthén, Lund, Schori and Thorning-Schmidt (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Eriksson, Färm, Hedkvist-Petersen, Karlsson and Sandberg-Fries, (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen and Hans Karlsson (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen and Schori (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen and Theorin (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen, Hulthén and Hans Karlsson (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen, Hulthén and Karlsson (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen, Hulthén and Theorin (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen, Hulthén, Hans Karlsson (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen, Hulthén, Hans Karlsson and Theorin (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen, Hulthén, Karlsson (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen, Hulthén, Karlsson and Theorin (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen, Hulthén, Karlsson, Theorin (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen, Hulthén, Schori and Theorin (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen, Karlsson and Sandberg-Fries (EDD )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen, Karlsson and Sandberg-Fries (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen, Karlsson and Theorin (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen, Karlsson, Sandberg-Fries (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Färm, Hedkvist Petersen, Karlsson, Sandberg-Fries and Theorin (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Färm, Hulthén and Hans Karlsson (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Segelström and Westlund (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Hedh, Segelström and Westlund (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Hedkvist Petersen, Hulthén and Karlsson (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Hedkvist Petersen, Hulthén and Schori (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Hedkvist Petersen, Hulthén, Schori and Theorin (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Hedkvist Petersen, Karlsson, Sandberg-Fries and Theorin (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andersson, Hedkvist Petersen, Segelström and Westlund (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Andi Cristeardf:type
lp:Andor Delirdf:type
lp:Andor Deli, Ildikó Gáll-Pelcz, András Gyürk és Ádám Kósa (PPE )rdf:type
lp:Andor Deli, Norbert Erdős, Ildikó Gáll-Pelcz, András Gyürk és Ádám Kósa (PPE )rdf:type
lp:Andor Deli, Norbert Erdős, Kinga Gál, András Gyürk, Ádám Kósa és József Szájer (PPE )rdf:type
lp:Andor Deli, Tamás Deutsch, Norbert Erdős, Ildikó Gáll-Pelcz, András Gyürk, György Hölvényi, Ádám Kósa és József Szájer (PPE )rdf:type
lp:Andor Deli, Tamás Deutsch, Norbert Erdős, Kinga Gál, András Gyürk, György Hölvényi, Ádám Kósa és József Szájer (PPE )rdf:type
lp:Andor Deli, Tamás Deutsch, Norbert Erdős, Kinga Gál, Ildikó Gáll-Pelcz, Ádám Kósa és József Szájer (PPE )rdf:type
lp:Andrea Bocskorrdf:type
lp:Andrea Bocskor, Andor Deli, Tamás Deutsch, Norbert Erdős, Kinga Gál, András Gyürk, Ádám Kósa and György Schöpflin (PPE )rdf:type
lp:Andrea Cozzolinordf:type
lp:Andrea Loscordf:type
lp:Andrea Zanonirdf:type
lp:Andrea Češkovárdf:type
lp:Andreas Carlgrenrdf:type
lp:Andreas Mavroyiannisrdf:type
lp:Andreas Mölzerrdf:type
lp:Andreas Pitsillidesrdf:type
lp:Andreas Schwabrdf:type
lp:Andreasen, Busk, Haarder and Jensen (ELDR )rdf:type
lp:Andreasen, Busk, Haarder, Jensen and Riis-Jørgensen (ELDR )rdf:type
lp:Andreasen, Busk, Jensen and Riis-Jørgensen (ELDR )rdf:type
lp:Andreasen, Busk, Jensen, Riis-Jørgensen and Ole Sørensen (ELDR)rdf:type
lp:Andreasen, Busk, Jensen, Riis-Jørgensen and Sørensen (ELDR )rdf:type
lp:Andreasen, Jensen, Riis-Jørgensen and Ole Sørensen (ELDR)rdf:type
lp:Andreasen, Jensen, Riis-Jørgensen and Sørensen (ELDR )rdf:type
lp:Andrej Plenkovićrdf:type
lp:Andrej Vizjakrdf:type
lp:Andrejs Mamikinsrdf:type
lp:Andres Tarandrdf:type
lp:Andrew Duffrdf:type
lp:Andrew Duff (ALDE )rdf:type
lp:Andrew Henry William Bronsrdf:type
lp:Andrew Henry William Brons and Nick Griffin (NI )rdf:type
lp:Andrew Lewerrdf:type
lp:Andrey Kovatchevrdf:type
lp:Andrey Novakovrdf:type
lp:Andris Piebalgsrdf:type
lp:Androula Vasiliourdf:type
lp:Androula Vassiliourdf:type
lp:Androulla Vassiliourdf:type
lp:Andrus Ansiprdf:type
lp:Andrus Ansiprdf:type
lp:Andrzej Dudardf:type
lp:Andrzej Grzybrdf:type
lp:Andrzej Jan Szejnardf:type
lp:Andrzej Karol Gawłowskirdf:type
lp:Andrzej Kraszewskirdf:type
lp:Andrzej Tomasz Zapałowskirdf:type
lp:Andrzej Wielowieyskirdf:type
lp:Andrzej Zbigniew Lepperrdf:type
lp:András Gyürkrdf:type
lp:András Kármánrdf:type
lp:André Brierdf:type
lp:André Elissenrdf:type
lp:Andrés Perelló Rodríguezrdf:type
lp:Angel Dzhambazkirdf:type
lp:Angela Merkelrdf:type
lp:Angelika Beerrdf:type
lp:Angelika Mlinarrdf:type
lp:Angelika Nieblerrdf:type
lp:Angelika Werthmannrdf:type
lp:Angelo Cioccardf:type
lp:Angélique Delahayerdf:type
lp:Anja Hazekamprdf:type
lp:Anja Weisgerberrdf:type
lp:Anna Elżbieta Fotygardf:type
lp:Anna Hedhrdf:type
lp:Anna Hedh (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Anna Hedh, Ewa Hedkvist Petersen and Inger Segelström (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Anna Hedh, Ewa Hedkvist Petersen, Inger Segelström and Åsa Westlund (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Anna Hedh, Olle Ludvigsson, Jens Nilsson and Åsa Westlund (S&D )rdf:type
lp:Anna Hedh, Olle Ludvigsson, Jens Nilsson och Marita Ulvskog (S&D )rdf:type
lp:Anna Hedh, Olle Ludvigsson, Jens Nilsson, Marita Ulvskog and Åsa Westlund (S&D )rdf:type
lp:Anna Hedh, Olle Ludvigsson, Marita Ulvskog and Åsa Westlund (S&D )rdf:type
lp:Anna Ibrisagicrdf:type
lp:Anna Ibrisagic (PPE )rdf:type
lp:Anna Karamanourdf:type
lp:Anna Maria Corazza Bildtrdf:type
lp:Anna Maria Corazza Bildt (PPE )rdf:type
lp:Anna Maria Corazza Bildt and Anna Ibrisagic (PPE )rdf:type
lp:Anna Maria Corazza Bildt and Gunnar Hökmark (PPE )rdf:type
lp:Anna Maria Corazza Bildt, Christofer Fjellner and Anna Ibrisagic (PPE )rdf:type
lp:Anna Maria Corazza Bildt, Christofer Fjellner and Gunnar Hökmark (PPE )rdf:type
lp:Anna Maria Corazza Bildt, Christofer Fjellner, Gunnar Hökmark and Alf Svensson (PPE )rdf:type
lp:Anna Maria Corazza Bildt, Christofer Fjellner, Gunnar Hökmark and Anna Ibrisagic (PPE )rdf:type
lp:Anna Maria Corazza Bildt, Christofer Fjellner, Gunnar Hökmark och Anna Ibrisagic (PPE )rdf:type
lp:Anna Maria Corazza Bildt, Christofer Fjellner, Gunnar Hökmark, Anna Ibrisagic and Alf Svensson (PPE )rdf:type
lp:Anna Maria Corazza Bildt, Gunnar Hökmark and Anna Ibrisagic (PPE )rdf:type
lp:Anna Maria Corazza Bildt, Gunnar Hökmark och Anna Ibrisagic (PPE )rdf:type
lp:Anna Rosbachrdf:type
lp:Anna Terrón i Cusírdf:type
lp:Anna Záborskárdf:type
lp:Anne André-léonardrdf:type
lp:Anne Delvauxrdf:type
lp:Anne E. Jensenrdf:type
lp:Anne E. Jensen and Jens Rohde (ALDE )rdf:type
lp:Anne E. Jensen and Karin Riis-Jørgensen (ALDE )rdf:type
lp:Anne Ferreirardf:type
lp:Anne Laperrouzerdf:type
lp:Anne Sanderrdf:type
lp:Anne Van Lanckerrdf:type
lp:Anne-Karin Glaserdf:type
lp:Anne-Marie Idracrdf:type
lp:Anne-Marie Mineurrdf:type
lp:Anne-Marie Schaffnerrdf:type
lp:Anneleen Van Bossuytrdf:type
lp:Anneli Hulthénrdf:type
lp:Anneli Jäätteenmäkirdf:type
lp:Anneliese Doddsrdf:type
lp:Annemie Neyts-uyttebroeckrdf:type
lp:Annemie Turtelboomrdf:type
lp:Anni Podimatardf:type
lp:Annie Schreijer-pierikrdf:type
lp:Antanas Guogardf:type
lp:Anthea McINTYRErdf:type
lp:Antigoni Papadopoulourdf:type
lp:Antoine Duquesnerdf:type
lp:Antolín Sánchez Presedordf:type
lp:Antonello Antinorordf:type
lp:Antoni Macierewiczrdf:type
lp:Antonio Cancianrdf:type
lp:Antonio De Blasiordf:type
lp:Antonio De Polirdf:type
lp:Antonio Di Pietrordf:type
lp:Antonio López-istúriz Whiterdf:type
lp:Antonio Masip Hidalgordf:type
lp:Antonio Mussardf:type
lp:Antonio Tajanirdf:type
lp:Antonio Tajanirdf:type
lp:Antonios Trakatellisrdf:type
lp:Antonis Samarasrdf:type
lp:Antonis Samarasrdf:type
lp:Antonyia Parvanovardf:type
lp:António Camposrdf:type
lp:António Costardf:type
lp:António Fernando Correia De Camposrdf:type
lp:António Guterresrdf:type
lp:António José Segurordf:type
lp:António Marinho E Pintordf:type
lp:Aníbal António Cavaco Silvardf:type
lp:Aníbal Cavaco Silva. −rdf:type
lp:Ari Vatanenrdf:type
lp:Arie M. Oostlanderrdf:type
lp:Arkadiusz Tomasz Bratkowskirdf:type
lp:Arlene McCARTHYrdf:type
lp:Arlette Laguillerrdf:type
lp:Arlindo Cunhardf:type
lp:Armando Cossuttardf:type
lp:Armando Dionisirdf:type
lp:Armando Françardf:type
lp:Armando Venetordf:type
lp:Armin Laschetrdf:type
lp:Armonia Bordesrdf:type
lp:Arnaud Danjeanrdf:type
lp:Arne Gerickerdf:type
lp:Arne Lietzrdf:type
lp:Artis Pabriksrdf:type
lp:Artur Zasadardf:type
lp:Arvidsson and Stenmarck (PPE-DE )rdf:type
lp:Arvidsson, Carlsson, Cederschiöld and Stenmarck (PPE-DE )rdf:type
lp:Arvidsson, Carlsson, Cederschiöld, Grönfeldt Bergman and Stenmarck (PPE-DE )rdf:type
lp:Arvidsson, Cederschiöld, Grönfeldt Bergman and Stenmarck (PPE-DE )rdf:type
lp:Arvidsson, Cederschiöld, Grönfeldt Bergman, Stenmarck and Wachtmeister (PPE-DE )rdf:type
lp:Arvidsson, Cederschiöld, Stenmarck and Wachtmeister (PPE-DE )rdf:type
lp:Arvidsson, Grönfeldt Bergman, Stenmarck and Wachtmeister (PPE-DE )rdf:type
lp:Arvidsson, Gunilla Carlsson, Cederschiöld, Grönfeldt Bergman and Stenmarck (PPE-DE )rdf:type
lp:Arvidsson, Stenmarck and Wachtmeister (PPE-DE )rdf:type
lp:Arūnas Degutisrdf:type
lp:Ashley Foxrdf:type
lp:Ashley Moterdf:type
lp:Asma Jahangirrdf:type
lp:Asmaa Mahfouz.rdf:type
lp:Astrid Lullingrdf:type
lp:Astrid Thorsrdf:type
lp:Atanas Paparizovrdf:type
lp:Athanasios Pafilisrdf:type
lp:Athanasios Plevrisrdf:type
lp:Atilla Béla Ladislau Kelemenrdf:type
lp:Atkins, Callanan, Dover, Hannan, Kirkhope and Stockton (PPE-DE )rdf:type
lp:Attwooll, Clegg, Davies, Duff, Huhne, Lynne, Newton Dunn, Nicholson of Winterbourne, Wallis and Watson (ELDR )rdf:type
lp:Auke Zijlstrardf:type
lp:Aung San Suu Kyirdf:type
lp:Aurelio Jurirdf:type
lp:Avraham Burgrdf:type
lp:Avril Doylerdf:type
lp:Axel Vossrdf:type
lp:Aymeric Chaupraderdf:type
lp:Aznar Lopezrdf:type
lp:Bairbre de Brúnrdf:type
lp:Bairbre de Brún and Eva-Britt Svensson (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Bairbre de Brún and Mary Lou McDonald (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Bairbre de Brún and Søren Bo Søndergaard (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Bairbre de Brún, Jens Holm and Eva-Britt Svensson (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Bairbre de Brún, Jens Holm, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Mary Lou McDonald, Erik Meijer and Eva-Britt Svensson (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Bairbre de Brún, Jens Holm, Mary Lou McDonald and Eva-Britt Svensson (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Bairbre de Brún, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Jonas Sjöstedt and Eva-Britt Svensson (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Bairbre de Brún, Mary Lou McDonald and Eva-Britt Svensson (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Bairbre de Brún, Ole Krarup, Jonas Sjöstedt and Eva-Britt Svensson (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Ban Ki-moonrdf:type
lp:Barbara Kappelrdf:type
lp:Barbara Kudryckardf:type
lp:Barbara Lochbihlerrdf:type
lp:Barbara Materardf:type
lp:Barbara O'toolerdf:type
lp:Barbara Spinellirdf:type
lp:Barbara Weilerrdf:type
lp:Barklund Larssonrdf:type
lp:Baroness Nicholson Of Winterbournerdf:type
lp:Baroness Sarah Ludfordrdf:type
lp:Barry Madlenerrdf:type
lp:Bart Staesrdf:type
lp:Bartho Pronkrdf:type
lp:Bas Belderrdf:type
lp:Bas Eickhoutrdf:type
lp:Bashir Khanbhairdf:type
lp:Batten, Bloom, Booth, Clark, Farage, Nattrass, Titford and Whittaker (IND/DEM )rdf:type
lp:Beata Gosiewskardf:type
lp:Beata Szydłordf:type
lp:Beatrice Askrdf:type
lp:Beatrix von Storchrdf:type
lp:Beatriz Becerra Basterrecheardf:type
lp:Beji Caid Essebsirdf:type
lp:Belder and Blokland (IND/DEM )rdf:type
lp:Bendt Bendtsenrdf:type
lp:Benedek Jávorrdf:type
lp:Benedetto Della Vedovardf:type
lp:Benedetto Della Vedovardf:type
lp:Beniamino Donnicirdf:type
lp:Benita Ferrero-Waldnerrdf:type
lp:Benita Ferrero–Waldnerrdf:type
lp:Benoît Cerexherdf:type
lp:Benoît Hamonrdf:type
lp:Bent Hindrup Andersenrdf:type
lp:Bernadette Bourzairdf:type
lp:Bernadette Vergnaudrdf:type
lp:Bernard Kouchnerrdf:type
lp:Bernard Lehideuxrdf:type
lp:Bernard Monotrdf:type
lp:Bernard Poignantrdf:type
lp:Bernard Wojciechowskirdf:type
lp:Bernat Joan i Marírdf:type
lp:Bernd Kölmelrdf:type
lp:Bernd Langerdf:type
lp:Bernd Luckerdf:type
lp:Bernd Posseltrdf:type
lp:Bernhard Rapkayrdf:type
lp:Bernié and Bonde (EDD )rdf:type
lp:Bernié and Mathieu (EDD )rdf:type
lp:Bernié, Butel and Esclopé (EDD )rdf:type
lp:Bernié, Butel, Esclopé, Mathieu, Raymond and Saint-Josse (EDD )rdf:type
lp:Bernié, Esclopé and Saint-Josse (EDD )rdf:type
lp:Bert Doornrdf:type
lp:Bert Koendersrdf:type
lp:Bertel Haarderrdf:type
lp:Berthu, Bonde, Camre, Deva, Hannan, Helmer, Ribeiro e Castro and Sumbergrdf:type
lp:Berthu, Montfort, Souchet, Thomas-Mauro and Varaut (UEN )rdf:type
lp:Berthu, de La Perriere, Montfort, Souchet and Varaut (NI )rdf:type
lp:Bertie Ahernrdf:type
lp:Berès and Garot (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Beysen and Ries (ELDR )rdf:type
lp:Bielan, Fotyga, Janowski, Kamiński, Libicki, Roszkowski and Szymański (UEN )rdf:type
lp:Bieńkowska, Elżbietardf:type
lp:Biljana Borzanrdf:type
lp:Bill Etheridgerdf:type
lp:Bill Millerrdf:type
lp:Bill Newton Dunnrdf:type
lp:Bilyana Ilieva Raevardf:type
lp:Birgit Collin-langenrdf:type
lp:Birgit Schnieber-jastramrdf:type
lp:Birgit Sippelrdf:type
lp:Birutė Vėsaitėrdf:type
lp:Blak and Lund (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Blak, Eriksson, Frahm, Herman Schmid and Seppänen (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Blak, Figueiredo, Frahm, Miranda, Schmid, Herman, Seppänen and Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL)rdf:type
lp:Blak, Frahm and Krarup (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Blak, Frahm, Herman Schmid, Seppänen and Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL)rdf:type
lp:Blak, Lund and Thorning-Schmidt (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Blanca Reyesrdf:type
lp:Bob van den Bosrdf:type
lp:Bodil Valerordf:type
lp:Bogdan Andrzej Zdrojewskirdf:type
lp:Bogdan Brunon Wentardf:type
lp:Bogdan Golikrdf:type
lp:Bogdan Kazimierz Marcinkiewiczrdf:type
lp:Bogdan Klichrdf:type
lp:Bogdan Pękrdf:type
lp:Bogusław Liberadzkirdf:type
lp:Bogusław Litwiniecrdf:type
lp:Bogusław Rogalskirdf:type
lp:Bogusław Sonikrdf:type
lp:Bolesław G. Piechardf:type
lp:Bonde and Krarup (EDD )rdf:type
lp:Bonde and Sandbæk (EDD )rdf:type
lp:Bonde and Sandbæk (EDD ), Gahrton, McKenna and Schörling (Verts/ALE)rdf:type
lp:Bonde, Eriksson Frahm Krarup Okking Sandbæk, (EDD),Schmid,Herman Schörling (Verts/ALE), Sjöstedt(GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Bonde, Eriksson, Frahm, Krarup, Okking, Sandbæk, Schmid, Seppänen and Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Bonde, Eriksson, Frahm, Krarup, Sandbæk, Herman Schmid, Seppänen and Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Bonde, Eriksson, Frahm, Krarup, Sandbæk, Seppänen and Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Bonde, Esclopé, Farage and Titford (EDD )rdf:type
lp:Bonde, Farage, Sandbæk and Titford (EDD )rdf:type
lp:Bonde, Krarup (EDD), Lucas, MacCormick, McKenna, Schörling, Ilka Schröder (Greens/ALE )rdf:type
lp:Bonde, Krarup and Sandbæk (EDD )rdf:type
lp:Bonde, Krarup, Okking and Sandbæk (EDD )rdf:type
lp:Bonde, Krarup, Okking and Sandbæk (EDD), Eriksson, Frahm, Herman Schmid, Seppänen and Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL)rdf:type
lp:Bonde, Krarup, Okking, Sandbæk (EDD ), Frahm, H. Schmid, Seppänen and Sjöstedt (GUE/NGL)rdf:type
lp:Bonde, Okking and Sandbæk (EDD )rdf:type
lp:Bonino, Cappato, Dell'Alba, Della Vedova, Dupuis, Pannella and Turco (NI )rdf:type
lp:Bordes and Cauquil (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Bordes and Laguiller (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Bordes, Caudron and Laguiller (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Bordes, Cauquil and Laguiller (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Bordes, Cauquil et Laguiller (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Boris Zalardf:type
lp:Boriss Cilevičsrdf:type
lp:Borut Pahorrdf:type
lp:Borut Pahorrdf:type
lp:Bowe, McNally and Read (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Bradbourn, Callanan, Kirkhope, Parish and Sumberg (PPE-DE )rdf:type
lp:Brando Benifeirdf:type
lp:Brandão Rodrigues, Tiago.rdf:type
lp:Branislav Škripekrdf:type
lp:Brian Crowleyrdf:type
lp:Brian Hayesrdf:type
lp:Brian Hayesrdf:type
lp:Brian Simpsonrdf:type
lp:Brice Hortefeuxrdf:type
Skipped 2,406 rows
lp:Roberto Gualtierirdf:type
lp:Roberto Musacchiordf:type
lp:Roberts Zīlerdf:type
lp:Rocco Buttiglionerdf:type
lp:Rodi Kratsa-tsagaropoulourdf:type
lp:Roger Helmerrdf:type
lp:Roger Karoutchirdf:type
lp:Roger Knapmanrdf:type
lp:Roger Knapman and Thomas Wise (NI )rdf:type
lp:Roger Knapman, Michael Henry Nattrass and John Whittaker (IND/DEM )rdf:type
lp:Roland Gewaltrdf:type
lp:Rolandas Paksasrdf:type
lp:Rolandas Pavilionisrdf:type
lp:Rolf Berendrdf:type
lp:Rolf Linkohrrdf:type
lp:Roman Jakičrdf:type
lp:Romana Jordanrdf:type
lp:Romana Tomcrdf:type
lp:Romano Maria La Russardf:type
lp:Romano Prodirdf:type
lp:Rosa D'amatordf:type
lp:Rosa Díez Gonzálezrdf:type
lp:Rosa Estaràs Ferragutrdf:type
lp:Rosa Miguélez Ramosrdf:type
lp:Rosario Crocettardf:type
lp:Roseline Vachettardf:type
lp:Roselyne Bachelot-Narquinrdf:type
lp:Roselyne Bachelot-narquinrdf:type
lp:Roselyne Lefrançoisrdf:type
lp:Rosemarie Müllerrdf:type
lp:Rosen Plevnelievrdf:type
lp:Rovana Plumbrdf:type
lp:Roy Perryrdf:type
lp:Rudolf Žiakrdf:type
lp:Rui Tavaresrdf:type
lp:Rumiana Jelevardf:type
lp:Ruth Hieronymirdf:type
lp:Ruža Tomašićrdf:type
lp:Ryszard Antoni Legutkordf:type
lp:Ryszard Czarneckirdf:type
lp:Róża Gräfin von Thun Und Hohensteinrdf:type
lp:Sabine Lösingrdf:type
lp:Sabine Lösing and Kyriacos Triantaphyllides (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Sabine Lösing and Sabine Wils (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Sabine Verheyenrdf:type
lp:Sabine Wilsrdf:type
lp:Sabine Zissenerrdf:type
lp:Sacrédeus and Wijkman (PPE-DE )rdf:type
lp:Sacrédeus, Wijkman (PPE-DE )rdf:type
lp:Sahra Wagenknechtrdf:type
lp:Sajjad Karimrdf:type
lp:Salih Mahmoud Osmanrdf:type
lp:Salvador Domingo Sanz Palaciordf:type
lp:Salvador Garriga Polledordf:type
lp:Salvador Jové Peresrdf:type
lp:Salvador Sedó i Alabartrdf:type
lp:Salvatore Caronnardf:type
lp:Salvatore Cicurdf:type
lp:Salvatore Domenico Poglieserdf:type
lp:Salvatore Iacolinordf:type
lp:Salvatore Tatarellardf:type
lp:Sami Naïrrdf:type
lp:Sampo Terhordf:type
lp:Samuli Pohjamordf:type
lp:Sander Loonesrdf:type
lp:Sandra Kalnieterdf:type
lp:Sandra Petrović Jakovinardf:type
lp:Sandrine Bélierrdf:type
lp:Sandro Gozirdf:type
lp:Santiago Fisas Ayxelàrdf:type
lp:Sari Essayahrdf:type
lp:Satu Hassirdf:type
lp:Satu Hassi, Anneli Jäätteenmäki, Henrik Lax, Lasse Lehtinen, Riitta Myller, Reino Paasilinna, Esko Seppänen, Hannu Takkula, Paavo Väyrynen and Kyösti Tapio Virrankoski (ALDE )rdf:type
lp:Saïd El Khadraouirdf:type
lp:Schmid, Herman and Seppänen (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Schmitz, Jens.rdf:type
lp:Seb Dancerdf:type
lp:Sebastian Valentin Bodurdf:type
lp:Sebastiano (Nello) Musumecirdf:type
lp:Sebastiano Sanzarellordf:type
lp:Seixas da Costardf:type
lp:Sepp Kusstatscherrdf:type
lp:Sergei Kovalevrdf:type
lp:Sergei Stanishevrdf:type
lp:Sergej Kozlíkrdf:type
lp:Sergio Berlatordf:type
lp:Sergio Gaetano Cofferatirdf:type
lp:Sergio Gutiérrez Prietordf:type
lp:Sergio Mattarellardf:type
lp:Sergio Paolo Francesco Silvestrisrdf:type
lp:Seán Kellyrdf:type
lp:Seán Ó Neachtainrdf:type
lp:Sharon Bowlesrdf:type
lp:Shimon Peresrdf:type
lp:Shirin Ebadi. −rdf:type
lp:Sidonia Elżbieta Jędrzejewskardf:type
lp:Siegfried Mureşanrdf:type
lp:Sigmar Gabrielrdf:type
lp:Siim Kallasrdf:type
lp:Siiri Oviirrdf:type
lp:Silvana Koch-mehrinrdf:type
lp:Silvia Ciorneirdf:type
lp:Silvia Costardf:type
lp:Silvia Iranzo Gutiérrezrdf:type
lp:Silvia-Adriana Țicăurdf:type
lp:Simon Busuttilrdf:type
lp:Simon Coveneyrdf:type
lp:Simon Coveneyrdf:type
lp:Simon Francis Murphyrdf:type
lp:Simona Bonafèrdf:type
lp:Sir Graham Watsonrdf:type
lp:Sir Jonathan Sacksrdf:type
lp:Sir Robert Atkinsrdf:type
lp:Sirpa Pietikäinenrdf:type
lp:Siôn Simonrdf:type
lp:Ska Kellerrdf:type
lp:Skinner (PSE ).rdf:type
lp:Skinner and Watts (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Slavi Binevrdf:type
lp:Sofia Ribeirordf:type
lp:Sofia Sakorafardf:type
lp:Solbes Mirardf:type
lp:Soledad Cabezón Ruizrdf:type
lp:Sonia Alfanordf:type
lp:Sophia in 't Veldrdf:type
lp:Sophie Auconierdf:type
lp:Sophie Montelrdf:type
lp:Sophocles Sophocleousrdf:type
lp:Soraya Postrdf:type
lp:Sorin Frunzăverderdf:type
lp:Sorin Moisărdf:type
lp:Sotirios Zarianopoulosrdf:type
lp:Spyros Danellisrdf:type
lp:Staffan Burenstam Linderrdf:type
lp:Stanimir Ilchevrdf:type
lp:Stanislav Polčákrdf:type
lp:Stanisław Jałowieckirdf:type
lp:Stanisław Ożógrdf:type
lp:Stanisław Żółtekrdf:type
lp:Statement by the Commissionrdf:type
lp:Statement by the Commission on the procedure of adoption of implementing actsrdf:type
lp:Stavros Arnaoutakisrdf:type
lp:Stavros Dimasrdf:type
lp:Stavros Lambrinidisrdf:type
lp:Stavros Lambrinidis. −rdf:type
lp:Stavros Xarchakosrdf:type
lp:Steeve Brioisrdf:type
lp:Stefaan De Clerckrdf:type
lp:Stefan Eckrdf:type
lp:Stefan Löfvenrdf:type
lp:Stefano Maullurdf:type
lp:Stefano Zappala'rdf:type
lp:Stelios Kouloglourdf:type
lp:Stephen Hughesrdf:type
lp:Steven Vanackererdf:type
lp:Steven Woolferdf:type
lp:Stjepan Mesicrdf:type
lp:Struan Stevensonrdf:type
lp:Stéphane Le Follrdf:type
lp:Sua Santità Papa Francesco.rdf:type
lp:Susanne Meliorrdf:type
lp:Susy De Martinirdf:type
lp:Sven Giegoldrdf:type
lp:Sven Schulzerdf:type
lp:Svetoslav Hristov Malinovrdf:type
lp:Swiebel and Terrón i Cusí (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Syed Kamallrdf:type
lp:Sylvana Raptirdf:type
lp:Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmannrdf:type
lp:Sylviane H. Ainardirdf:type
lp:Sylvie Goddynrdf:type
lp:Sylvie Goulardrdf:type
lp:Sylvie Guillaumerdf:type
lp:Sylwester Chruszczrdf:type
lp:Szabolcs Fazakasrdf:type
lp:Sérgio Marquesrdf:type
lp:Sérgio Ribeirordf:type
lp:Sérgio Sousa Pintordf:type
lp:Søren Bo Søndergaardrdf:type
lp:Søren Bo Søndergaard and Eva-Britt Svensson (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Sławomir Kłosowskirdf:type
lp:Sławomir Nitrasrdf:type
lp:Tadeusz Cymańskirdf:type
lp:Tadeusz Cymański and Zbigniew Ziobro (EFD )rdf:type
lp:Tadeusz Iwińskirdf:type
lp:Tadeusz Rossrdf:type
lp:Tadeusz Zwiefkardf:type
lp:Takis Hadjigeorgiourdf:type
lp:Tamás Deutschrdf:type
lp:Tamás Deutsch és Norbert Erdős (PPE )rdf:type
lp:Tamás Meszericsrdf:type
lp:Tania González Peñasrdf:type
lp:Tania González Peñas Y Lola Sánchez Caldentey (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Tania González Peñas, Lola Sánchez Caldentey Y Estefanía Torres Martínez (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Tanja Fajonrdf:type
lp:Tarja Cronbergrdf:type
lp:Tarja Halonenrdf:type
lp:Tatjana Ždanokardf:type
lp:Tchetin Kazakrdf:type
lp:Terence Wynnrdf:type
lp:Teresa Almeida Garrettrdf:type
lp:Teresa Jiménez-becerril Barriordf:type
lp:Teresa Riera Madurellrdf:type
lp:Teresa Rodriguez-rubiordf:type
lp:Terry Reintkerdf:type
lp:The Earl Of Stocktonrdf:type
lp:The Lord Inglewoodrdf:type
lp:The Lord Nicholas Bethellrdf:type
lp:Theodor Dumitru Stolojanrdf:type
lp:Theodoros Skylakakisrdf:type
lp:Theodoros Zagorakisrdf:type
lp:Theodorus J.J. Bouwmanrdf:type
lp:Theonas (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Theresa Griffinrdf:type
lp:Theresa Villiersrdf:type
lp:Theresa Zabellrdf:type
lp:Therese Comodini Cachiardf:type
lp:Thierry B. Jean-pierrerdf:type
lp:Thierry Cornilletrdf:type
lp:Thierry de La Perriererdf:type
lp:Thijs Bermanrdf:type
lp:Thomas Händelrdf:type
lp:Thomas Mannrdf:type
lp:Thomas Mirowrdf:type
lp:Thomas Ulmerrdf:type
lp:Thomas Wiserdf:type
lp:Thorning-Schmidt (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Tiberiu Bărbulețiurdf:type
lp:Tibor Jenő Szanyi (S&D )rdf:type
lp:Tibor Navracsicsrdf:type
lp:Tibor Szanyirdf:type
lp:Tiemo Wölkenrdf:type
lp:Tim Akerrdf:type
lp:Tim Aker and Diane James (EFDD )rdf:type
lp:Tim Aker, Jane Collins and Mike Hookem (EFDD )rdf:type
lp:Tim Aker, Louise Bours, David Coburn, Jane Collins, Mike Hookem, Diane James, Margot Parker and Julia Reid (EFDD )rdf:type
lp:Tim Aker, Louise Bours, David Coburn, Jane Collins, William (The Earl of) Dartmouth, Mike Hookem, Diane James, Margot Parker and Julia Reid (EFDD )rdf:type
lp:Tim Aker, Louise Bours, James Carver, David Coburn, Jane Collins, William (The Earl of) Dartmouth, Mike Hookem, Diane James, Margot Parker and Julia Reid (EFDD )rdf:type
lp:Tim Aker, Louise Bours, Jane Collins, William (The Earl of) Dartmouth, Mike Hookem, Diane James, Margot Parker and Julia Reid (EFDD )rdf:type
lp:Timo Soinirdf:type
lp:Timothy Kirkhoperdf:type
lp:Timothy Kirkhope and Anthea McIntyre (ECR )rdf:type
lp:Timothy Kirkhope and Marina Yannakoudakis (ECR )rdf:type
lp:Titus Corlățeanrdf:type
lp:Tiziana Beghinrdf:type
lp:Tiziano Mottirdf:type
lp:Tobias Billströmrdf:type
lp:Tobias Pflügerrdf:type
lp:Toine Mandersrdf:type
lp:Toine Manders and Jan Mulder (ALDE )rdf:type
lp:Tokia Saïfirdf:type
lp:Tom Vandenkendelaererdf:type
lp:Tomasz Piotr Porębardf:type
lp:Tomáš Zatloukalrdf:type
lp:Tomáš Zdechovskýrdf:type
lp:Tonino Piculardf:type
lp:Tonio Borgrdf:type
lp:Tony Blairrdf:type
lp:Toomas Hendrik Ilvesrdf:type
lp:Toomas Hendrik Ilvesrdf:type
lp:Toomas Savirdf:type
lp:Torben Lundrdf:type
lp:Traian Ungureanurdf:type
lp:Trevor Colmanrdf:type
lp:Trinidad Jiménez García-Herrerardf:type
lp:Tsakhia Elbegdorjrdf:type
lp:Tunne Kelamrdf:type
lp:Udo Bullmannrdf:type
lp:Udo Bullmann, Matthias Groote, Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler, Jo Leinen, Willi Piecyk and Mechtild Rothe (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Udo Voigtrdf:type
lp:Ulla Margrethe Sandbækrdf:type
lp:Ulla Schmidtrdf:type
lp:Ulla Tørnæsrdf:type
lp:Ulla-Maj Wideroosrdf:type
lp:Ulpu Iivarirdf:type
lp:Ulrich Stockmannrdf:type
lp:Ulrike Lunacekrdf:type
lp:Ulrike Müllerrdf:type
lp:Ulrike Rodustrdf:type
lp:Ulrike Trebesiusrdf:type
lp:Uma Aaltonenrdf:type
lp:Umberto Guidonirdf:type
lp:Umberto Pirillirdf:type
lp:Urmas Paetrdf:type
lp:Ursula Plassnikrdf:type
lp:Ursula Schleicherrdf:type
lp:Ursula Stenzelrdf:type
lp:Urszula Gacekrdf:type
lp:Urszula Krupardf:type
lp:Vaclav Havelrdf:type
lp:Valdemar Tomaševskirdf:type
lp:Valdis Dombrovskisrdf:type
lp:Valdis Dombrovskisrdf:type
lp:Valdis Zatlersrdf:type
lp:Valentinas Mazuronisrdf:type
lp:Valérie Létardrdf:type
lp:Valéry Giscard d’Estaingrdf:type
lp:Van Brempt and Van Lancker (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Van Genniprdf:type
lp:Van den Bos and Van der Laan (ELDR )rdf:type
lp:Van den Bos and van der Laan (ELDR )rdf:type
lp:Vande Lanotterdf:type
lp:Vasco Graça Mourardf:type
lp:Vasile Dîncurdf:type
lp:Vazil Hudákrdf:type
lp:Verónica Lope Fontagnérdf:type
lp:Vicente Miguel Garcés Ramónrdf:type
lp:Vicky Fordrdf:type
lp:Vicky Maeijerrdf:type
lp:Victor Boştinarurdf:type
lp:Victor Negrescurdf:type
lp:Viktor Orbánrdf:type
lp:Viktor Uspaskichrdf:type
lp:Viktória Mohácsirdf:type
lp:Vilija Blinkevičiūtėrdf:type
lp:Vilja Savisaar-toomastrdf:type
lp:Ville Itälärdf:type
lp:Villy Søvndalrdf:type
lp:Vilém Holáňrdf:type
lp:Vincent Peillonrdf:type
lp:Vincenzo Aitardf:type
lp:Vincenzo Iovinerdf:type
lp:Vincenzo Lavarrardf:type
lp:Violeta Bulcrdf:type
lp:Viorica Dăncilărdf:type
lp:Viorica-Pompilia-Georgeta Moisucrdf:type
lp:Virginie Rozièrerdf:type
lp:Vital Moreirardf:type
lp:Vitaliano Gemellirdf:type
lp:Vito Bonsignorerdf:type
lp:Vittorio Agnolettordf:type
lp:Vittorio Prodirdf:type
lp:Viviane Redingrdf:type
lp:Viviane Reding (PPE ).rdf:type
lp:Vladimir Urutchevrdf:type
lp:Vladimír Maňkardf:type
lp:Vladimír Remekrdf:type
lp:Vladimír Špidlardf:type
lp:Vladimír Železnýrdf:type
lp:Vladko Todorov Panayotovrdf:type
lp:Vojtěch Mynářrdf:type
lp:Vural Ögerrdf:type
lp:Vytautas Landsbergisrdf:type
lp:Vytautas Leškevičiusrdf:type
lp:Vytenis Povilas Andriukaitisrdf:type
lp:Václav Klausrdf:type
lp:Väyrynen and Virrankoski (ALDE )rdf:type
lp:Véronique De Keyserrdf:type
lp:Véronique Mathieu Houillonrdf:type
lp:Vítor Caldeirardf:type
lp:Vítor Manuel da Silva Caldeirardf:type
lp:Vĕra Jourovárdf:type
lp:Věra Flasarovárdf:type
lp:W.G. van Velzenrdf:type
lp:Wacław Klukowskirdf:type
lp:Walter Veltronirdf:type
lp:Ward Beysenrdf:type
lp:Werner Faymannrdf:type
lp:Werner Hoyerrdf:type
lp:Werner Kuhnrdf:type
lp:Werner Langenrdf:type
lp:Werner Schulzrdf:type
lp:Wiesław Stefan Kucrdf:type
lp:Wiesław Szczukardf:type
lp:Wijkman (PPE-DE )rdf:type
lp:Wilfried Kuckelkornrdf:type
lp:Willem Schuthrdf:type
lp:Willi Görlachrdf:type
lp:Willi Piecykrdf:type
lp:Willi Rothleyrdf:type
lp:William (The Earl of) Dartmouthrdf:type
lp:William (The Earl of) Dartmouth (EFD )rdf:type
lp:William (The Earl of) Dartmouth and Nigel Farage (EFD )rdf:type
lp:William Abitbolrdf:type
lp:Willy C.E.H. De Clercqrdf:type
lp:Willy Meyerrdf:type
lp:Wim van de Camprdf:type
lp:Winfried Menradrdf:type
lp:Witold Tomczakrdf:type
lp:Wojciech Michał Olejniczakrdf:type
lp:Wojciech Roszkowskirdf:type
lp:Wojciech Wierzejskirdf:type
lp:Wolf Klinzrdf:type
lp:Wolfgang Bulfonrdf:type
lp:Wolfgang Ilgenfritzrdf:type
lp:Wolfgang Kreissl-dörflerrdf:type
lp:Wolfgang Schüsselrdf:type
lp:Xabier Benito Ziluagardf:type
lp:Xabier Benito Ziluaga, Tania González Peñas, Lola Sánchez Caldentey Y Estefanía Torres Martínez (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Xabier Benito Ziluaga, Tania González Peñas, Lola Sánchez Caldentey y Estefanía Torres Martínez (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Xanana Gusmãordf:type
lp:Xaver Mayerrdf:type
lp:Xavier Bertrandrdf:type
lp:Xavier Bettelrdf:type
lp:Yana Toomrdf:type
lp:Yannick Jadotrdf:type
lp:Yannick Vaugrenardrdf:type
lp:Yasmine Boudjenahrdf:type
lp:Yiannakis Matsisrdf:type
lp:Younous Omarjeerdf:type
lp:Yves Butelrdf:type
lp:Yves Cochetrdf:type
lp:Yves Letermerdf:type
lp:Yves Piétrasantardf:type
lp:Yvonne Sandberg-friesrdf:type
lp:Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševicardf:type
lp:Zbigniew Chrzanowskirdf:type
lp:Zbigniew Kuźmiukrdf:type
lp:Zbigniew Zaleskirdf:type
lp:Zbigniew Ziobrordf:type
lp:Zdravka Bušićrdf:type
lp:Zdzisław Kazimierz Chmielewskirdf:type
lp:Zdzisław Krasnodębskirdf:type
lp:Zdzisław Zbigniew Podkańskirdf:type
lp:Zeng Jinyanrdf:type
lp:Zigmantas Balčytisrdf:type
lp:Zijne Majesteit Willem-Alexander, koning van Nederland.rdf:type
lp:Zita Gurmairdf:type
lp:Zita Pleštinskárdf:type
lp:Zofija Mazej Kukovičrdf:type
lp:Zoltan Szabórdf:type
lp:Zoltán Bagórdf:type
lp:Zoltán Bagó, Ildikó Gáll-Pelcz, Béla Glattfelder, András Gyürk and Csaba Őry (PPE )rdf:type
lp:Zoltán Balczórdf:type
lp:Zoltán Balogrdf:type
lp:Zoran Thalerrdf:type
lp:Zsolt László Becseyrdf:type
lp:Zsolt László Becseyrdf:type
lp:Zsolt Némethrdf:type
lp:Zuzana Brzobohatárdf:type
lp:Zuzana Roithovárdf:type
lp:de Brún and McDonald (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:de La Perriere and Souchet (NI )rdf:type
lp:de Miguelrdf:type
lp:de Palaciordf:type
lp:de Veyrinas and Vlasto (PPE-DE )rdf:type
lp:van den Bos and van der Laan (ELDR )rdf:type
lp:van den Burg and Wiersma (PSE )rdf:type
lp:Ádám Kósardf:type
lp:Ágnes Hankissrdf:type
lp:Ágnes Vadairdf:type
lp:Álvaro Uriberdf:type
lp:Ángela Vallinardf:type
lp:Árpád Duka-zólyomirdf:type
lp:Åsa Torstenssonrdf:type
lp:Åsa Westlundrdf:type
lp:Éric Bessonrdf:type
lp:Éric Woerthrdf:type
lp:Íñigo Méndez De Vigordf:type
lp:Óscar Rafael Arias Sánchezrdf:type
lp:Ģirts Valdis Kristovskisrdf:type
lp:Šarūnas Birutisrdf:type
lp:Štefan Fülerdf:type
lp:Željana Zovkordf:type
lp:Žiga Turkrdf:type
lp:Αλέξης Τσίπραςrdf:type
lp:Αντώνης Σαμαράςrdf:type
lp:Δημήτρης Αβραμόπουλοςrdf:type
lp:Δημήτρης Χριστόφιαςrdf:type
lp:Δημήτριος Κούρκουλαςrdf:type
lp:Ελισσάβετ Βόζεμπεργκ (PPE )rdf:type
lp:Ευάγγελος Βενιζέλοςrdf:type
lp:Κωνσταντίνος Παπαδάκης και Σωτήριος Ζαριανόπουλος (NI )rdf:type
lp:Λουκάς Λουκάrdf:type
lp:Σωτήριος Ζαριανόπουλος (NI )rdf:type
lp:Τάκης Χατζηγεωργίου και Κυριάκος Τριανταφυλλίδης (GUE/NGL )rdf:type
lp:Георги Първановrdf:type
lp:Кристалина Георгиеваrdf:type