Table for the 12 triples with object <> on predicate educated at sorted by label

?:Adam Fergusson?:educated at
?:Alexander Macmillan, 2nd Earl of Stockton?:educated at
?:Basil de Ferranti?:educated at
?:Charles Strachey, 4th Baron O'Hagan?:educated at
?:Charles Wellesley, 9th Duke of Wellington?:educated at
?:Jack Stewart-Clark?:educated at
?:James Elles?:educated at
?:James Goldsmith?:educated at
?:James Scott-Hopkins?:educated at
?:Neil Balfour?:educated at
?:Richard Fletcher-Vane, 2nd Baron Inglewood?:educated at
?:William Legge, 10th Earl of Dartmouth?:educated at