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HTTP Services
Table for the 3,658 triples with object
on predicate
position held
sorted by label
Aar de Goede
position held
Aart Geurtsen
position held
Abdelkader Mohamed Ali
position held
Abel Matutes
position held
Achille Occhetto
position held
Achillefs Gerokostopoulos
position held
Adam Biela
position held
Adam Bielan
position held
Adam Fergusson
position held
Adam Gierek
position held
Adam Szejnfeld
position held
Adamos Adamou
position held
Adelaide Aglietta
position held
Adeline Hazan
position held
Adina-Ioana Vălean
position held
Adrian Cioroianu
position held
Adrian Manole
position held
Adrian Severin
position held
Adriana Ceci
position held
Adriana Poli Bortone
position held
Adrien Zeller
position held
Afzal Khan
position held
Aggela Kokkola
position held
Agnes Jongerius
position held
Agnes Schierhuber
position held
Agnieszka Kozłowska-Rajewicz
position held
Agnieszka Pasternak
position held
Agnès Le Brun
position held
Agostino Mantovani
position held
Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra
position held
Alain Bombard
position held
Alain Cadec
position held
Alain Carignon
position held
Alain Esclopé
position held
Alain Gillot
position held
Alain Hutchinson
position held
Alain Juppé
position held
Alain Krivine
position held
Alain Lamassoure
position held
Alain Lipietz
position held
Alain Madelin
position held
Alain Marleix
position held
Alain Pompidou
position held
Alajos Mészáros
position held
Alan Donnelly
position held
Alan Gillis
position held
Alan Kelly
position held
Alan R. Tyrrell
position held
Alasdair Hutton
position held
Albert Dess
position held
Albert Jan Maat
position held
Albert Pürsten
position held
Alberto Cirio
position held
Alberto Ghergo
position held
Alberto Michelini
position held
Alberto Moravia
position held
Alberto Tridente
position held
Albrecht Karl Konecny
position held
Alda Sousa
position held
Aldis Kušķis
position held
Aldo Arroni
position held
Aldo Bonaccini
position held
Aldo De Matteo
position held
Aldo Patriciello
position held
Alejandro Agag
position held
Alejandro Cercas
position held
Alejo Vidal-Quadras Roca
position held
Alekos Alavanos
position held
Aleksander Szczygło
position held
Aleksandrs Kiršteins
position held
Aleksandrs Mirskis
position held
Alena Palečková
position held
Alessandra Moretti
position held
Alessandra Mussolini
position held
Alessandro Battilocchio
position held
Alessandro Danesin
position held
Alessandro Foglietta
position held
Alessandro Fontana
position held
Alessandro Natta
position held
Alessia Mosca
position held
Alex Falconer
position held
Alex Mayer
position held
Alex Smith
position held
Alexander Graf Lambsdorff
position held
Alexander Langer
position held
Alexander Macmillan, 2nd Earl of Stockton
position held
Alexander Nuno Alvaro
position held
Alexander Radwan
position held
Alexander Sherlock
position held
Alexander Stubb
position held
Alexander de Roo
position held
Alexandra Dobolyi
position held
Alexandra Thein
position held
Alexandre Varaut
position held
Alexandros Baltas
position held
Alexandru Athanasiu
position held
Alexandru Ioan Morțun
position held
Alexandru Nazare
position held
Alf Svensson
position held
Alfeo Mizzau
position held
Alfons Boesmans
position held
Alfons Goppel
position held
Alfonso Andria
position held
Alfonso Luigi Marra
position held
Alfonso Novo Belenguer
position held
Alfred Coste-Floret
position held
Alfred Gomolka
position held
Alfred Lomas
position held
Alfred Sant
position held
Alfredo Antoniozzi
position held
Alfredo Diana
position held
Alfredo Pallone
position held
Alfredo Reichlin
position held
Alfrēds Rubiks
position held
Algirdas Saudargas
position held
Alima Boumediene-Thiery
position held
Alin Lucian Antochi
position held
Aline Archimbaud
position held
Aline Pailler
position held
Allan Macartney
position held
Allan Rogers
position held
Alman Metten
position held
Alonso José Puerta
position held
Aloyzas Sakalas
position held
Alphonsine M.J. Phlix
position held
Altiero Spinelli
position held
Alyn Smith
position held
Amalia Sartori
position held
Ambroise Guellec
position held
Amedeo Amadeo
position held
Amelia Andersdotter
position held
Amjad Bashir
position held
Amédée Turner
position held
An Hermans
position held
Ana Maria Gomes
position held
Ana Mato Adrover
position held
Ana Miranda De Lage
position held
Ana Miranda Paz
position held
Ana de Palacio y del Valle-Lersundi
position held
Ana-Claudia Ţapardel
position held
Anastasios Peponis
position held
Anders Primdahl Vistisen
position held
Anders Samuelsen
position held
Anders Wijkman
position held
Andi-Lucian Cristea
position held
Andis Kāposts
position held
Andoni Monforte Arregui
position held
Andor Deli
position held
Andrea Bocskor
position held
Andrea Bonetti
position held
Andrea Carmine De Simone
position held
Andrea Cozzolino
position held
Andrea Losco
position held
Andrea Manzella
position held
Andrea Raggio
position held
Andrea Zanoni
position held
Andrea Češková
position held
Andreas Mölzer
position held
Andreas Pitsillides
position held
Andreas Schwab
position held
Andrej Plenković
position held
Andrejs Mamikins
position held
Andres Tarand
position held
Andrew Brons
position held
Andrew Duff
position held
Andrew Lewer
position held
Andrew Pearce
position held
Andrey Kovatchev
position held
Andrey Novakov
position held
Andrus Ansip
position held
Andrzej Chronowski
position held
Andrzej Duda
position held
Andrzej Gawłowski
position held
Andrzej Gałażewski
position held
Andrzej Grzyb
position held
Andrzej Lepper
position held
Andrzej Pęczak
position held
Andrzej Szejna
position held
Andrzej Tomasz Zapałowski
position held
Andrzej Wielowieyski
position held
András Gyürk
position held
András Kelemen
position held
André Bord
position held
André Brie
position held
André Damseaux
position held
André Diligent
position held
André Elissen
position held
André Fanton
position held
André Fourçans
position held
André Laignel
position held
André Rossi
position held
André Sainjon
position held
André Soulier
position held
André Turcat
position held
Angel Dzhambazki
position held
Angela Billingham, Baroness Billingham
position held
Angela Rosa Vallina Noval
position held
Angelika Beer
position held
Angelika Mlinar
position held
Angelika Niebler
position held
Angelika Werthmann
position held
Angelo Carossino
position held
Angelo Ciocca
position held
Angelo Narducci
position held
Angélique Delahaye
position held
Anita Pollack
position held
Anja Hazekamp
position held
Anja Weisgerber
position held
Ann Clwyd
position held
Anna Catasta
position held
Anna Fotyga
position held
Anna Hedh
position held
Anna Ibrisagic
position held
Anna Karamanou
position held
Anna Maria Corazza Bildt
position held
Anna Rosbach
position held
Anna Terrón I Cusí
position held
Anna Záborská
position held
Anne André-Léonard
position held
Anne Delvaux
position held
Anne Elisabet Jensen
position held
Anne Ferreira
position held
Anne Laperrouze
position held
Anne McIntosh
position held
Anne Sander
position held
Anne Van Lancker
position held
Anne Vondeling
position held
Anne-Christine Poisson
position held
Anne-Karin Glase
position held
Anne-Marie Dupuy
position held
Anne-Marie Lizin
position held
Anne-Marie Mineur
position held
Anne-Marie Schaffner
position held
Anneleen Van Bossuyt
position held
Anneli Hulthén
position held
Anneli Jäätteenmäki
position held
Anneliese Dodds
position held
Annemarie Kuhn
position held
Annemarie M.C. Goedmakers
position held
Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck
position held
Annette Koewius
position held
Annie Krouwel-Vlam
position held
Annie Schreijer-Pierik
position held
Anselmo Gouthier
position held
Anselmo Guarraci
position held
Antanas Guoga
position held
Antanas Valys
position held
Anthea McIntyre
position held
Anthony Simpson
position held
Antigoni Papadopoulou
position held
Antoine Duquesne
position held
Antoine Waechter
position held
Antoinette Fouque
position held
Antoinette Spaak
position held
Antolín Sánchez
position held
Antonello Antinoro
position held
Antoni Gutiérrez Díaz
position held
Antoni Macierewicz
position held
Antonia Parvanova
position held
Antonino Buttafuoco
position held
Antonino Tripodi
position held
Antonio Augusto Lacerda De Queiróz
position held
Antonio Cariglia
position held
Antonio De Blasio
position held
Antonio De Poli
position held
Antonio Del Duca
position held
Antonio Di Pietro
position held
Antonio Fantini
position held
Antonio Garcia-Pagan Zamora
position held
Antonio González Triviño
position held
Antonio Graziani
position held
Antonio Iodice
position held
Antonio López-Istúriz White
position held
Antonio Mario La Pergola
position held
Antonio Masip Hidalgo
position held
Antonio Mazzone
position held
Antonio Michele Trizza
position held
Antonio Mussa
position held
Antonio Navarro Velasco
position held
Antonio Nicola Cantalamessa
position held
Antonio Panzeri
position held
Antonio Tajani
position held
Antonios Georgiadis
position held
Antonios Trakatellis
position held
Antonis Samaras
position held
António Antero Coimbra Martins
position held
António Capucho
position held
António Carlos Ribeiro Campos
position held
António Correia de Campos
position held
António Costa
position held
António Jorge De Figueiredo Lopes
position held
António José Fernandes
position held
António José Marques Mendes
position held
António José Seguro
position held
António Marinho e Pinto
position held
António Marques Mendes
position held
António Vitorino
position held
Apostolos Papageorgiou
position held
Ari Vatanen
position held
Arie Oostlander
position held
Aristides Dimopoulos
position held
Aristidis Ouzounidis
position held
Arkadiusz Tomasz Bratkowski
position held
Arlene McCarthy
position held
Arlette Laguiller
position held
Arlindo Cunha
position held
Armando Cossutta
position held
Armando Dionisi
position held
Armando França
position held
Armando Veneto
position held
Armelle Guinebertière
position held
Arminas Lydeka
position held
Armonia Bordes
position held
Arnaldo Colleselli
position held
Arnaldo Forlani
position held
Arnaud Danjean
position held
Arndt Kohn
position held
Arne Gericke
position held
Arne Lietz
position held
Arne Melchior
position held
Arthur Stanley Newens
position held
Artis Pabriks
position held
Artur Da Cunha Oliveira
position held
Artur Plokšto
position held
Artur Zasada
position held
Arturo Juan Escuder Croft
position held
Arturs Krišjānis Kariņš
position held
Arūnas Degutis
position held
Ashley Fox
position held
Ashley Mote
position held
Asim Ahmedov Ademov
position held
Assimakis Fotilas
position held
Astrid Lulling
position held
Astrid Thors
position held
Atanas Paparizov
position held
Attila Gruber
position held
Attila Kelemen
position held
August De Winter
position held
Auke Zijlstra
position held
Aurelio Juri
position held
Avril Doyle
position held
Axel Andersson
position held
Axel Norbert Zarges
position held
Axel Schäfer
position held
Axel Voss
position held
Aymeri de Montesquiou
position held
Aymeric Chauprade
position held
Babis Angourakis
position held
Bairbre de Brún
position held
Balázs Hidvéghi
position held
Barbara Castle, Baroness Castle of Blackburn
position held
Barbara Kappel
position held
Barbara Kudrycka
position held
Barbara Lochbihler
position held
Barbara Matera
position held
Barbara Schmidbauer
position held
Barbara Simons
position held
Barbara Spinelli
position held
Barbara Weiler
position held
Barry Desmond
position held
Barry Madlener
position held
Barry Seal
position held
Bart Staes
position held
Bartho Pronk
position held
Bas Belder
position held
Bas Eickhout
position held
Bashir Khanbhai
position held
Basil de Ferranti
position held
Beata Gosiewska
position held
Beate Ann Brookes
position held
Beate Weber
position held
Beatrix von Storch
position held
Beatriz Becerra
position held
Ben Fayot
position held
Ben Patterson
position held
Ben Visser
position held
Bendt Bendtsen
position held
Benedek Jávor
position held
Benedetto Della Vedova
position held
Benedikt Härlin
position held
Bengt Hurtig
position held
Bengt-Ola Ryttar
position held
Beniamino Donnici
position held
Benigno Zaccagnini
position held
Benoît Hamon
position held
Bent Hindrup Andersen
position held
Bernadette Bourzai
position held
Bernadette Vergnaud
position held
Bernard Antony
position held
Bernard Castagnède
position held
Bernard Drzęźla
position held
Bernard Frimat
position held
Bernard Kouchner
position held
Bernard Lehideux
position held
Bernard Monot
position held
Bernard Piotr Wojciechowski
position held
Bernard Poignant
position held
Bernard Pons
position held
Bernard Soulage
position held
Bernard Stasi
position held
Bernard Tapie
position held
Bernard Thareau
position held
Bernardo Bayona Aznar
position held
Bernat Joan i Marí
position held
Bernd Kölmel
position held
Bernd Lange
position held
Bernd Lucke
position held
Bernd Posselt
position held
Bernhard Rapkay
position held
Bernhard Sälzer
position held
Bernie Malone
position held
Bert Doorn
position held
Bertel Haarder
position held
Bettino Craxi
position held
Biagio De Giovanni
position held
Biljana Borzan
position held
Biljana Rajewa
position held
Bill Etheridge
position held
Bill Miller
position held
Bill Newton Dunn
position held
Birgit Bjørnvig
position held
Birgit Collin-Langen
position held
Birgit Cramon Daiber
position held
Birgit Schnieber-Jastram
position held
Birgit Sippel
position held
Birgitta Ahlqvist
position held
Birutė Vėsaitė
position held
Blaise Aldo
position held
Bob Cryer
position held
Bob van den Bos
position held
Bodil Boserup
position held
Bodil Valero
position held
Bogdan Golik
position held
Bogdan Klich
position held
Bogdan Marcinkiewicz
position held
Bogdan Podgórski
position held
Bogdan Pęk
position held
Bogdan Wenta
position held
Bogdan Zdrojewski
position held
Bogusław Liberadzki
position held
Bogusław Litwiniec
position held
Bogusław Rogalski
position held
Bogusław Sonik
position held
Bolesław Piecha
position held
Boris Zala
position held
Boriss Cilevičs
position held
Borut Pahor
position held
Bouke Beumer
position held
Bram van der Lek
position held
Brando Benifei
position held
Brandon Rhys-Williams
position held
Branislav Škripek
position held
Brendan Donnelly
position held
Brendan Halligan
position held
Brian Crowley
position held
Brian Hayes
position held
Brian Hord
position held
Brian Key
position held
Brian Simpson
position held
Brice Hortefeux
position held
Brigitte Douay
position held
Brigitte Fouré
position held
Brigitte Heinrich
position held
Brigitte Langenhagen
position held
Brigitte U.J.M.J.G. Ernst De La Graete
position held
Brigitte Wenzel-Perillo
position held
Britta Reimers
position held
Britta Thomsen
position held
Bronis Ropė
position held
Bronisław Geremek
position held
Bronisława Kowalska
position held
Bruno Boissière
position held
Bruno Ferrero
position held
Bruno Friedrich
position held
Bruno Gollnisch
position held
Bruno Mégret
position held
Bruno Trentin
position held
Bruno Visentini
position held
Bryan Cassidy
position held
Burkhard Balz
position held
Bárbara Dührkop Dührkop
position held
Béatrice Patrie
position held
Béla Glattfelder
position held
Béla Kovács
position held
Calogero Lo Giudice
position held
Camiel Eurlings
position held
Camilo Nogueira Román
position held
Carl Lang
position held
Carl Schlyter
position held
Carla Barbarella
position held
Carles Gasòliba
position held
Carlo Alberto Galluzzi
position held
Carlo Alberto Graziani
position held
Carlo Casini
position held
Carlo Fatuzzo
position held
Carlo Fidanza
position held
Carlo Ripa di Meana
position held
Carlo Secchi
position held
Carlo Stella
position held
Carlo Tognoli
position held
Skipped 2,658 rows
Rolandas Paksas
position held
Rolandas Pavilionis
position held
Rolf Berend
position held
Rolf Linkohr
position held
Roman Jakič
position held
Romana Jordan Cizelj
position held
Romana Tomc
position held
Romanas Algimantas Sedlickas
position held
Romano Maria la Russa
position held
Rory Palmer
position held
Rosa D'Amato
position held
Rosa Díez
position held
Rosa Estaràs
position held
Rosa Miguélez
position held
Rosario Crocetta
position held
Rosario Romeo
position held
Roseline Vachetta
position held
Roselyne Bachelot
position held
Roselyne Lefrançois
position held
Rosemarie Müller
position held
Rosemarie Wemheuer
position held
Rosy Bindi
position held
Rovana Plumb
position held
Roy Perry
position held
Rudi Arndt
position held
Rudolf Luster
position held
Rudolf Schieler
position held
Rudolf Wedekind
position held
Rudolf Žiak
position held
Ruggero Puletti
position held
Rui Amaral
position held
Rui Manuel Almeida Mendes
position held
Rui Tavares
position held
Rui Vieira
position held
Rumiana Jeleva
position held
Rupert Matthews
position held
Ruth Hieronymi
position held
Ruža Tomašić
position held
Ryszard Czarnecki
position held
Ryszard Kalisz
position held
Ryszard Legutko
position held
Róża Maria Barbara Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein
position held
Rüdiger Hitzigrath
position held
Rüdiger von Wechmar
position held
Răzvan Popa
position held
Saara-Maria Paakkinen
position held
Sabin Cutaș
position held
Sabine Lösing
position held
Sabine Verheyen
position held
Sabine Wils
position held
Sabine Zissener
position held
Sahra Wagenknecht
position held
Sajjad Karim
position held
Salvador Domingo Sanz Palacio
position held
Salvador Garriga Polledo
position held
Salvador Jové
position held
Salvador Sedó i Alabarta
position held
Salvatore Caronna
position held
Salvatore Cicu
position held
Salvatore Iacolino
position held
Salvatore Lima
position held
Salvatore Tatarella
position held
Salvo Pogliese
position held
Sami Nair
position held
Sampo Terho
position held
Samuli Pohjamo
position held
Sander Loones
position held
Sandra Kalniete
position held
Sandra Petrović Jakovina
position held
Sandrine Bélier
position held
Santiago Fisas Ayxelá
position held
Sarah Ludford, Baroness Ludford
position held
Sari Essayah
position held
Satu Hassi
position held
Saïd El Khadraoui
position held
Seb Dance
position held
Sebastian Bodu
position held
Sebastiano Sanzarello
position held
Sepp Kusstatscher
position held
Seppo Pelttari
position held
Sergei Stanishev
position held
Sergej Kozlík
position held
Sergio Berlato
position held
Sergio Camillo Segre
position held
Sergio Cofferati
position held
Sergio Ercini
position held
Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto
position held
Sergio Pininfarina
position held
Sergio Silvestris
position held
Seán Flanagan
position held
Seán Kelly
position held
Seán Treacy
position held
Seán Ó Neachtain
position held
Sharon Bowles
position held
Shaun Spiers
position held
Sheila Faith
position held
Shelagh Roberts
position held
Sidonia Jędrzejewska
position held
Siegbert Alber
position held
Siegfried Mureșan
position held
Siiri Oviir
position held
Silva Golde
position held
Silvana Koch-Mehrin
position held
Silvia Adriana Țicău
position held
Silvia Ciornei
position held
Silvia Costa
position held
Silvio Berlusconi
position held
Silvio Lega
position held
Silvio Leonardi
position held
Silvio Vitale
position held
Simon Busuttil
position held
Simon Coveney
position held
Simon Murphy
position held
Simona Bonafè
position held
Simone M.M. Martin
position held
Simone Veil
position held
Sirkka-Liisa Anttila
position held
Sirpa Pietikäinen
position held
Siôn Simon
position held
Sjouke Jonker
position held
Ska Keller
position held
Slavcho Binev
position held
Sofia Ribeiro
position held
Sofia Sakorafa
position held
Solange Fernex
position held
Soledad Cabezón Ruiz
position held
Sonia Alfano
position held
Sophie Auconie
position held
Sophie Montel
position held
Sophie in 't Veld
position held
Sophocles Sophocleous
position held
Soraya Post
position held
Sorin Frunzăverde
position held
Sotirios Zarianopoulos
position held
Sotiris Kostopoulos
position held
Spalato Bellerè
position held
Spiridon Kolokotronis
position held
Spyridon Markozanis
position held
Spyridon Plaskovitis
position held
Spyridon Zournatzis
position held
Spyros Danellis
position held
Staffan Burenstam Linder
position held
Stanimir Ilchev
position held
Stanislav Polčák
position held
Stanisław Jałowiecki
position held
Stanisław Ożóg
position held
Stanisław Łyżwiński
position held
Stanisław Żółtek
position held
Stanley Johnson
position held
Stavros Arnaoutakis
position held
Stavros Lambrinidis
position held
Stavros Xarchakos
position held
Steeve Briois
position held
Stefan Bernhard Eck
position held
Stefan Sofiyanski
position held
Stefano De Luca
position held
Stefano Maullu
position held
Stefano Zappalà
position held
Stelios Argyros
position held
Stelios Kouloglou
position held
Stephen Hughes
position held
Steven Woolfe
position held
Struan Stevenson
position held
Stuart Agnew
position held
Stylianos Panagopoulos
position held
Stéphane Buffetaut
position held
Stéphane Dermaux
position held
Stéphane Le Foll
position held
Susan Waddington
position held
Susanna Agnelli
position held
Susanne Melior
position held
Susanne Riess
position held
Susy De Martini
position held
Suzanne Dekker
position held
Sven Giegold
position held
Sven Schulze
position held
Sven Skovmand
position held
Svetoslav Malinov
position held
Syed Kamall
position held
Sylvester Barrett
position held
Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann
position held
Sylviane Ainardi
position held
Sylvie Goddyn
position held
Sylvie Goulard
position held
Sylvie Guillaume
position held
Sylvie Mayer
position held
Sylvána Rápti
position held
Sylwester Chruszcz
position held
Sylwia Pusz
position held
Szabolcs Fazakas
position held
Sándor Kónya-Hamar
position held
Séamus Pattison
position held
Sérgio Marques
position held
Sérgio Ribeiro
position held
Sérgio Sousa Pinto
position held
Síle de Valera
position held
Sören Wibe
position held
Søren Søndergaard
position held
Sławomir Kłosowski
position held
Sławomir Nitras
position held
T. J. Maher
position held
Tadeusz Cymański
position held
Tadeusz Iwiński
position held
Tadeusz Ross
position held
Tadeusz Zwiefka
position held
Takis Hadjigeorgiou
position held
Tamás Deutsch
position held
Tamás Meszerics
position held
Tania González Peñas
position held
Tanja Fajon
position held
Tarja Cronberg
position held
Tatjana Ždanoka
position held
Tchetin Kazak
position held
Teresa Almeida Garrett
position held
Teresa Domingo Segarra
position held
Teresa Giménez Barbat
position held
Teresa Jiménez-Becerril
position held
Teresa Riera
position held
Teresa Rodríguez
position held
Terry Pitt
position held
Terry Reintke
position held
Terry Wynn
position held
Teun Tolman
position held
Thanasis Pafilis
position held
Thanos Plevris
position held
Themistokles Visas
position held
Theo Bouwman
position held
Theodor Stolojan
position held
Theodoros Skylakakis
position held
Theodoros Zagorakis
position held
Theresa Griffin
position held
Theresa Villiers
position held
Theresa Zabell
position held
Therese Comodini Cachia
position held
Thierry B. Jean-Pierre
position held
Thierry Brac de La Perrière
position held
Thierry Cornillet
position held
Thijs Berman
position held
Thomas Händel
position held
Thomas Mann
position held
Thomas Megahy
position held
Thomas Ulmer
position held
Thomas Vring
position held
Thomas Waitz
position held
Tiberiu Bărbuleţiu
position held
Tibor Szanyi
position held
Tiemo Wölken
position held
Tim Aker
position held
Timo Järvilahti
position held
Timo Soini
position held
Timothy Kirkhope
position held
Titus Corlățean
position held
Tiziana Beghin
position held
Tiziano Motti
position held
Tobias Pflüger
position held
Toine Manders
position held
Tokia Saïfi
position held
Tom Normanton
position held
Tom O'Donnell
position held
Tom Raftery
position held
Tom Spencer
position held
Tom Vandenkendelaere
position held
Tom Wise
position held
Tomasz Poręba
position held
Tomislav Donchev
position held
Tommaso Rossi
position held
Tommy Waidelich
position held
Tomáš Galbavý
position held
Tomáš Zatloukal
position held
Tomáš Zdechovský
position held
Toni Cancian
position held
Tonino Picula
position held
Tony Cunningham
position held
Toomas Hendrik Ilves
position held
Toomas Savi
position held
Torben Lund
position held
Tove Nielsen
position held
Traian Ungureanu
position held
Trevor Colman
position held
Tullia Carettoni Romagnoli
position held
Tullio Regge
position held
Tunne Kelam
position held
Udo Bullmann
position held
Udo Voigt
position held
Ulf Holm
position held
Ulla Sandbæk
position held
Ulla Tørnæs
position held
Ulpu Iivari
position held
Ulrich Irmer
position held
Ulrich Stockmann
position held
Ulrike Lunacek
position held
Ulrike Müller
position held
Ulrike Rodust
position held
Ulrike Trebesius
position held
Uma Aaltonen
position held
Umberto Bossi
position held
Umberto Cardia
position held
Umberto Guidoni
position held
Umberto Pirilli
position held
Umberto Scapagnini
position held
Undine von Blottnitz
position held
Urmas Paet
position held
Ursula Braun-Moser
position held
Ursula Schleicher
position held
Ursula Stenzel
position held
Urszula Gacek
position held
Urszula Krupa
position held
Valdemar Tomaševski
position held
Valdis Dombrovskis
position held
Valentinas Mazuronis
position held
Valerio Baldini
position held
Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
position held
Vasco Garcia
position held
Vasco Graça Moura
position held
Vasile Dîncu
position held
Vasile Pușcaș
position held
Vassilis Ephremidis
position held
Vera Squarcialupi
position held
Veronica Hardstaff
position held
Veronica Palm
position held
Verónica Lope Fontagne
position held
Vicente Miguel Garcés Ramón
position held
Vicky Ford
position held
Vicky Maeijer
position held
Victor Abens
position held
Victor Boştinaru
position held
Victor J.J. Michel
position held
Victor Negrescu
position held
Victor Sablé
position held
Viktor Uspaskich
position held
Viktória Mohácsi
position held
Viliam Veteška
position held
Vilija Blinkevičiūtė
position held
Vilja Toomast
position held
Ville Itälä
position held
Vilém Holáň
position held
Vincent Ansquer
position held
Vincent Peillon
position held
Vincenzo Aita
position held
Vincenzo Gatto
position held
Vincenzo Giummarra
position held
Vincenzo Iovine
position held
Vincenzo Lavarra
position held
Vincenzo Mattina
position held
Vincenzo Viola
position held
Viorica Dăncilă
position held
Viorica Moisuc
position held
Virginie Rozière
position held
Virginio Bettini
position held
Virgílio Pereira
position held
Vital Moreira
position held
Vitaliano Gemelli
position held
Vito Bonsignore
position held
Vito Napoli
position held
Vittorino Chiusano
position held
Vittorio Agnoletto
position held
Vittorio Prodi
position held
Vittorio Sgarbi
position held
Viviane Reding
position held
Vladimir Urutchev
position held
Vladimír Laštůvka
position held
Vladimír Maňka
position held
Vladimír Remek
position held
Vladimír Železný
position held
Vladko Panayotov
position held
Vojtěch Mynář
position held
Volkmar Gabert
position held
Vural Öger
position held
Vytautas Kvietkauskas
position held
Vytautas Landsbergis
position held
Véronique De Keyser
position held
Véronique Mathieu
position held
Víctor Manuel Arbeloa
position held
Věra Flasarová
position held
Wacław Klukowski
position held
Wajid Khan
position held
Walter Posch
position held
Walter Rosa
position held
Walter Veltroni
position held
Ward Beysen
position held
Wayne David
position held
Werner Amberg
position held
Werner Kuhn
position held
Werner Langen
position held
Werner Münch
position held
Werner Schulz
position held
Wiesław Kuc
position held
Wilfried Kuckelkorn
position held
Wilfried Martens
position held
Wilfried Telkämper
position held
Wilhelm Hahn
position held
Wilhelm Helms
position held
Willem J. Vergeer
position held
Willem Schuth
position held
Willi Görlach
position held
Willi Piecyk
position held
Willi Rothley
position held
William Abitbol
position held
William Hopper
position held
William Legge, 10th Earl of Dartmouth
position held
Willy Brandt
position held
Willy De Clercq
position held
Willy Kuijpers
position held
Willy Meyer Pleite
position held
Willy Vernimmen
position held
Wilmya Zimmermann
position held
Wim Albers
position held
Wim van Velzen
position held
Wim van Velzen
position held
Wim van de Camp
position held
Win Griffiths
position held
Winfried Menrad
position held
Winnie Ewing
position held
Witold Tomczak
position held
Wojciech Olejniczak
position held
Wojciech Roszkowski
position held
Wojciech Wierzejski
position held
Wolf Klinz
position held
Wolfgang Bulfon
position held
Wolfgang Hackel
position held
Wolfgang Ilgenfritz
position held
Wolfgang Jung
position held
Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler
position held
Wolfgang Nußbaumer
position held
Wolfgang Schall
position held
Wolfgang Ullmann
position held
Wolfgang Von Nostitz
position held
Xabier Benito Ziluaga
position held
Xaver Mayer
position held
Xavier Deniau
position held
Xavier Rubert de Ventós
position held
Xerardo Fernández Albor
position held
Yana Toom
position held
Yannick Jadot
position held
Yannick Vaugrenard
position held
Yannis Coutsocheras
position held
Yannos Kranidiotis
position held
Yasmine Boudjenah
position held
Yeóryios Katiforis
position held
Yiannakis Matsis
position held
Yiannis Roubatis
position held
Yiannos Papantoniou
position held
Younous Omarjee
position held
Yvan Blot
position held
Yves Butel
position held
Yves Cochet
position held
Yves Fremion
position held
Yves Galland
position held
Yves Piétrasanta
position held
Yves Verwaerde
position held
Yvette Fuillet
position held
Yvette Roudy
position held
Yvon Briant
position held
Yvonne Sandberg-Fries
position held
Yvonne Théobald-Paoli
position held
Yvonne van Rooy
position held
Zbigniew Chrzanowski
position held
Zbigniew Kuźmiuk
position held
Zbigniew Zaleski
position held
Zbigniew Ziobro
position held
Zbyszek Zaborowski
position held
Zdravka Bušić
position held
Zdzislaw Krasnodebski
position held
Zdzisław Chmielewski
position held
Zdzisław Podkański
position held
Zenon-José Luis Paz
position held
Zigmantas Balčytis
position held
Zita Gurmai
position held
Zita Pleštinská
position held
Zofia Grzebisz-Nowicka
position held
Zofija Mazej Kukovič
position held
Zoltán Bagó
position held
Zoltán Balczó
position held
Zoltán Szabó
position held
Zoran Thaler
position held
Zsolt Becsey
position held
Zsolt Németh
position held
Zuzana Brzobohatá
position held
Zuzana Roithová
position held
Zygmunt Cybulski
position held
Ádám Kósa
position held
Ágnes Hankiss
position held
Ágnes Vadai
position held
Ángela Sierra
position held
Ánni Podimatá
position held
Árpád Duka-Zólyomi
position held
Åsa Westlund
position held
Édith Cresson
position held
Édouard Ferrand
position held
Édouard Martin
position held
Élie Hoarau
position held
Élisabeth Guigou
position held
Élisabeth Morin
position held
Élizabeth Montfort
position held
Éric Andrieu
position held
Éric Pinel
position held
Íñigo Méndez de Vigo
position held
Ģirts Valdis Kristovskis
position held
Šarūnas Birutis
position held
Željana Zovko
position held