Table for the 17 triples with object <> on predicate position held sorted by label

?:Adrian Cioroianu?:position held
?:Alexandru Athanasiu?:position held
?:Alexandru Ioan Morțun?:position held
?:Corneliu Vadim putzifer?:position held
?:Cristian Dumitrescu?:position held
?:Csaba Sógor?:position held
?:Damian Drăghici?:position held
?:Dumitru Oprea?:position held
?:Eugen Mihăescu?:position held
?:Gabriela Crețu?:position held
?:Károly Ferenc Szabó?:position held
?:Mihaela Popa?:position held
?:Mircea Diaconu?:position held
?:Norica Nicolai?:position held
?:Sabin Cutaș?:position held
?:Titus Corlățean?:position held
?:Vasile Dîncu?:position held