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Table for the 115 triples with object
on predicate
position held
sorted by label
Abel Matutes
position held
Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra
position held
Alejandro Cercas
position held
Alejo Vidal-Quadras Roca
position held
Alonso José Puerta
position held
Ana Mato Adrover
position held
Ana de Palacio y del Valle-Lersundi
position held
Andoni Monforte Arregui
position held
Antoni Gutiérrez Díaz
position held
Antonio Garcia-Pagan Zamora
position held
Antonio Navarro Velasco
position held
Arturo Juan Escuder Croft
position held
Bernardo Bayona Aznar
position held
Carles Gasòliba
position held
Carlos Barral
position held
Carlos María Bru Purón
position held
Carmen Llorca
position held
Carmen Romero López
position held
Celia Villalobos
position held
Cristóbal Montoro Romero
position held
Diego De Los Santos López
position held
Dolores García-Hierro
position held
Eduard Punset
position held
Elena Valenciano
position held
Emilio Duran Corsanego
position held
Enrique Barón Crespo
position held
Enrique Monsonís
position held
Enrique Sapena Granell
position held
Esteban Caamaño Bernal
position held
Esteban González Pons
position held
Eusebio Cano Pinto
position held
Federico Mayor Zaragoza
position held
Felipe Camisón Asensio
position held
Fernando Maura
position held
Fernando Morán
position held
Fernando Pérez Royo
position held
Fernando Suárez González
position held
Florencio Luque Aguilar
position held
Francisca Pleguezuelos
position held
Francisco Oliva García
position held
Francisco Sanz Fernández
position held
Gabriel Mato Adrover
position held
Heribert Barrera i Costa
position held
Ignasi Guardans
position held
Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero
position held
Iratxe García
position held
Jaime Mayor Oreja
position held
Joan Calabuig
position held
Joan Colom i Naval
position held
Joaquín Sisó Cruellas
position held
Jorge Salvador Hernández Mollar
position held
Josep Antoni Duran i Lleida
position held
Josep Borrell
position held
Josep Verde i Aldea
position held
José Blanco López
position held
José Enrique Pons Grau
position held
José García-Margallo y Marfil
position held
José Luis García Raya
position held
José Miguel Bueno Vicente
position held
José Ramón Caso
position held
José Vázquez Fouz
position held
José Álvarez de Paz
position held
Juan Carlos Girauta
position held
Juan Fernando López Aguilar
position held
Juan Luis Colino Salamanca
position held
Juan Manuel Fabra Vallés
position held
Juan María Bandrés Molet
position held
Juan de Dios Izquierdo Collado
position held
Juan de Dios Ramírez Heredia
position held
Julen Guimón
position held
Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo
position held
Leopoldo Ortiz Climent
position held
Loyola de Palacio
position held
Ludivina García Arias
position held
Luis Berenguer Fuster
position held
Luis Guillermo de Perinat y Elío
position held
Luis Planas
position held
Luis Vega y Escandón
position held
Luis Yáñez-Barnuevo
position held
Luis de Grandes Pascual
position held
Luisa Fernanda Rudi Ubeda
position held
Magdalena Álvarez
position held
Manuel Cantarero Del Castillo
position held
Manuel Fraga Iribarne
position held
Manuel García Amigo
position held
Manuel Medina
position held
Marcelino Oreja, 1st Marquis of Oreja
position held
Maria Dolors Renau
position held
María Isabel Salinas
position held
María Izquierdo Rojo
position held
María Jesús Aramburu del Río
position held
María Rodríguez Ramos
position held
María Teresa Estevan Bolea
position held
Miguel Arias Cañete
position held
Miguel Ángel Martínez Martínez
position held
Pablo Echenique-Robba
position held
Pablo Iglesias Turrión
position held
Pedro Bofill Abeilhe
position held
Pilar del Castillo
position held
Pío Cabanillas Gallas
position held
Rafael Calvo Ortega
position held
Rafael Estrella Pedrola
position held
Raimon Obiols i Germà
position held
Ramón Jáuregui
position held
Raúl Morodo
position held
Ricardo Cortés Lastra
position held
Rosa Díez
position held
Rosa Estaràs
position held
Salvador Garriga Polledo
position held
Soledad Cabezón Ruiz
position held
Teresa Riera
position held
Verónica Lope Fontagne
position held
Willy Meyer Pleite
position held
Xavier Rubert de Ventós
position held
Íñigo Méndez de Vigo
position held