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Table for the 131 triples with object
on predicate
position held
sorted by label
Adrien Zeller
position held
Alain Esclopé
position held
Alain Juppé
position held
Alain Madelin
position held
Alain Marleix
position held
Ambroise Guellec
position held
André Bord
position held
Anne Ferreira
position held
Anne-Marie Schaffner
position held
Antoine Waechter
position held
Arlette Laguiller
position held
Arnaud Danjean
position held
Benoît Hamon
position held
Bernard Antony
position held
Bernard Frimat
position held
Bernard Lehideux
position held
Bernard Poignant
position held
Bernard Soulage
position held
Blaise Aldo
position held
Brice Hortefeux
position held
Brigitte Douay
position held
Brigitte Fouré
position held
Bruno Gollnisch
position held
Carl Lang
position held
Catherine Boursier
position held
Charles Baur
position held
Charles Josselin
position held
Christian Poncelet
position held
Christiane Taubira
position held
Christine Revault d'Allonnes-Bonnefoy
position held
Christophe Béchu
position held
Claude Malhuret
position held
Claude Wolff
position held
Damien Abad
position held
Didier Anger
position held
Dominique Baudis
position held
Dominique Bucchini
position held
Dominique Chaboche
position held
Dominique Riquet
position held
Dominique Saint-Pierre
position held
Dominique Souchet
position held
Emmanuel Maurel
position held
Estelle Grelier
position held
Fernand Le Rachinel
position held
Florence Kuntz
position held
François Guillaume
position held
Françoise Gaspard
position held
Françoise Grossetête
position held
Françoise de Veyrinas
position held
Frédéric Jalton
position held
Gaston Franco
position held
Geoffroy Didier
position held
Gilles Savary
position held
Guy Bono
position held
Guy Guermeur
position held
Gérard Longuet
position held
Henri Saby
position held
Hervé Novelli
position held
Isabelle Thomas
position held
Jack Lang
position held
Jacqueline Nebout
position held
Jacques Donnay
position held
Janine Cayet
position held
Jean Crusol
position held
Jean Querbes
position held
Jean-Claude Pasty
position held
Jean-François Jalkh
position held
Jean-Louis Bernié
position held
Jean-Louis Borloo
position held
Jean-Luc Bennahmias
position held
Jean-Marie Alexandre
position held
Jean-Marie Le Pen
position held
Jean-Marie Vanlerenberghe
position held
Jean-Paul Bachy
position held
Jean-Paul Denanot
position held
Jean-Paul Gauzès
position held
Jean-Paul Heider
position held
Jean-Pierre Bazin
position held
Jean-Pierre Bébéar
position held
Jean-Pierre Raffarin
position held
Laurent Fabius
position held
Lionel Jospin
position held
Liêm Hoang Ngoc
position held
Louis Aliot
position held
Lydia Schénardi
position held
Madeleine de Grandmaison
position held
Marie-Arlette Carlotti
position held
Marie-Christine Arnautu
position held
Marie-Hélène Aubert
position held
Marie-Jacqueline Desouches
position held
Marie-Madeleine Dienesch
position held
Marie-Noëlle Lienemann
position held
Marine Le Pen
position held
Martine Buron
position held
Martine Lehideux
position held
Maxime Gremetz
position held
Michel Collinot
position held
Michel Raymond
position held
Michel Scarbonchi
position held
Nadine Morano
position held
Nicolas Bay
position held
Nicolas Sarkozy
position held
Nora Berra
position held
Pierre Bernard
position held
Pierre Bernard-Reymond
position held
Pierre Messmer
position held
Pierre Moscovici
position held
Raymond Forni
position held
Renaud Muselier
position held
Robert Delorozoy
position held
Robert Navarro
position held
Roger Chinaud
position held
Roger Karoutchi
position held
Roland Gaucher
position held
Roselyne Bachelot
position held
Steeve Briois
position held
Sylviane Ainardi
position held
Sylvie Guillaume
position held
Sylvie Mayer
position held
Thierry Cornillet
position held
Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
position held
Vincent Ansquer
position held
Yannick Vaugrenard
position held
Yvan Blot
position held
Yves Fremion
position held
Yves Piétrasanta
position held
Élisabeth Guigou
position held
Élisabeth Morin
position held
Élizabeth Montfort
position held
Éric Andrieu
position held
Éric Pinel
position held