Table for the 86 triples with object <> on predicate country of citizenship sorted by label

?:Alf Svensson?:country of citizenship
?:Amelia Andersdotter?:country of citizenship
?:Anders Wijkman?:country of citizenship
?:Anna Hedh?:country of citizenship
?:Anna Ibrisagic?:country of citizenship
?:Anna Maria Corazza Bildt?:country of citizenship
?:Anneli Hulthén?:country of citizenship
?:Axel Andersson?:country of citizenship
?:Bengt Hurtig?:country of citizenship
?:Bengt-Ola Ryttar?:country of citizenship
?:Birgitta Ahlqvist?:country of citizenship
?:Bodil Valero?:country of citizenship
?:Carl Schlyter?:country of citizenship
?:Cecilia Malmström?:country of citizenship
?:Cecilia Wikström?:country of citizenship
?:Charlotte Cederschiöld?:country of citizenship
?:Christian Engström?:country of citizenship
?:Christofer Fjellner?:country of citizenship
?:Eva-Britt Svensson?:country of citizenship
?:Ewa Hedkvist Petersen?:country of citizenship
?:Fredrick Federley?:country of citizenship
?:Gunilla Carlsson?:country of citizenship
?:Gunnar Hökmark?:country of citizenship
?:Göran Färm?:country of citizenship
?:Hadar Cars?:country of citizenship
?:Hans Karlsson i Hallsberg?:country of citizenship
?:Hans Lindqvist?:country of citizenship
?:Herman Schmid?:country of citizenship
?:Holger Gustafsson?:country of citizenship
?:Hélène Goudin?:country of citizenship
?:Inga-Britt Johansson?:country of citizenship
?:Inger Schörling?:country of citizenship
?:Inger Segelström?:country of citizenship
?:Isabella Lövin?:country of citizenship
?:Ivar Virgin?:country of citizenship
?:Jakob von Uexkull?:country of citizenship
?:Jakop Dalunde?:country of citizenship
?:Jan Andersson?:country of citizenship
?:Jasenko Selimović?:country of citizenship
?:Jens Holm?:country of citizenship
?:Jens Nilsson?:country of citizenship
?:Jonas Sjöstedt?:country of citizenship
?:Jytte Guteland?:country of citizenship
?:Jörn Svensson?:country of citizenship
?:Karin Falkmer?:country of citizenship
?:Karin Starrin?:country of citizenship
?:Karl Erik Olsson?:country of citizenship
?:Kent Johansson?:country of citizenship
?:Kristina Persson?:country of citizenship
?:Kristina Winberg?:country of citizenship
?:Lars Adaktusson?:country of citizenship
?:Lars Wohlin?:country of citizenship
?:Lena Ek?:country of citizenship
?:Lennart Sacrédeus?:country of citizenship
?:Linnéa Engström?:country of citizenship
?:Lisbeth Grönfeldt Bergman?:country of citizenship
?:MaLou Lindholm?:country of citizenship
?:Maj Britt Theorin?:country of citizenship
?:Maj-Lis Lööw?:country of citizenship
?:Malin Björk?:country of citizenship
?:Margaretha af Ugglas?:country of citizenship
?:Maria Robsahm?:country of citizenship
?:Marianne Eriksson?:country of citizenship
?:Marit Paulsen?:country of citizenship
?:Marita Ulvskog?:country of citizenship
?:Max Andersson?:country of citizenship
?:Mikael Gustafsson?:country of citizenship
?:Nils Lundgren?:country of citizenship
?:Olle Ludvigsson?:country of citizenship
?:Olle Schmidt?:country of citizenship
?:Peder Wachtmeister?:country of citizenship
?:Per Gahrton?:country of citizenship
?:Per Stenmarck?:country of citizenship
?:Per-Arne Arvidsson?:country of citizenship
?:Peter Eriksson?:country of citizenship
?:Peter Lundgren?:country of citizenship
?:Pierre Schori?:country of citizenship
?:Reynoldh Furustrand?:country of citizenship
?:Soraya Post?:country of citizenship
?:Staffan Burenstam Linder?:country of citizenship
?:Sören Wibe?:country of citizenship
?:Tommy Waidelich?:country of citizenship
?:Ulf Holm?:country of citizenship
?:Veronica Palm?:country of citizenship
?:Yvonne Sandberg-Fries?:country of citizenship
?:Åsa Westlund?:country of citizenship