Table for the 263 triples with object <> on predicate country of citizenship sorted by label

?:Abel Matutes?:country of citizenship
?:Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra?:country of citizenship
?:Alejandro Agag?:country of citizenship
?:Alejandro Cercas?:country of citizenship
?:Alejo Vidal-Quadras Roca?:country of citizenship
?:Alonso José Puerta?:country of citizenship
?:Ana Mato Adrover?:country of citizenship
?:Ana Miranda De Lage?:country of citizenship
?:Ana Miranda Paz?:country of citizenship
?:Ana de Palacio y del Valle-Lersundi?:country of citizenship
?:Andoni Monforte Arregui?:country of citizenship
?:Angela Rosa Vallina Noval?:country of citizenship
?:Antolín Sánchez?:country of citizenship
?:Antoni Gutiérrez Díaz?:country of citizenship
?:Antonio Garcia-Pagan Zamora?:country of citizenship
?:Antonio González Triviño?:country of citizenship
?:Antonio López-Istúriz White?:country of citizenship
?:Antonio Masip Hidalgo?:country of citizenship
?:Antonio Navarro Velasco?:country of citizenship
?:Arturo Juan Escuder Croft?:country of citizenship
?:Beatriz Becerra?:country of citizenship
?:Bernardo Bayona Aznar?:country of citizenship
?:Bernat Joan i Marí?:country of citizenship
?:Bárbara Dührkop Dührkop?:country of citizenship
?:Camilo Nogueira Román?:country of citizenship
?:Carles Gasòliba?:country of citizenship
?:Carlos Barral?:country of citizenship
?:Carlos Bautista Ojeda?:country of citizenship
?:Carlos Carnero?:country of citizenship
?:Carlos Garaikoetxea?:country of citizenship
?:Carlos Jiménez Villarejo?:country of citizenship
?:Carlos José Iturgaiz Angulo?:country of citizenship
?:Carlos María Bru Purón?:country of citizenship
?:Carlos Perreau de Pinninck Doménech?:country of citizenship
?:Carlos Ripoll Martínez de Bedoya?:country of citizenship
?:Carlos Robles Piquer?:country of citizenship
?:Carlos Westendorp?:country of citizenship
?:Carmen Cerdeira?:country of citizenship
?:Carmen Fraga Estévez?:country of citizenship
?:Carmen Llorca?:country of citizenship
?:Carmen Romero López?:country of citizenship
?:Carolina Punset?:country of citizenship
?:Celia Villalobos?:country of citizenship
?:Clara Aguilera García?:country of citizenship
?:Concepció Ferrer?:country of citizenship
?:Cristina García-Orcoyen Tormo?:country of citizenship
?:Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines?:country of citizenship
?:Cristina Soriano?:country of citizenship
?:Cristóbal Montoro Romero?:country of citizenship
?:Daniel Bautista?:country of citizenship
?:Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna?:country of citizenship
?:David Hammerstein Mintz?:country of citizenship
?:Dolores García-Hierro?:country of citizenship
?:Eduard Punset?:country of citizenship
?:Eider Gardiazábal Rubial?:country of citizenship
?:Elena Valenciano?:country of citizenship
?:Emilio Duran Corsanego?:country of citizenship
?:Emilio Menéndez?:country of citizenship
?:Encarnación Redondo Jiménez?:country of citizenship
?:Enric Morera i Català?:country of citizenship
?:Enrique Barón Crespo?:country of citizenship
?:Enrique Calvet Chambon?:country of citizenship
?:Enrique Guerrero Salom?:country of citizenship
?:Enrique Monsonís?:country of citizenship
?:Enrique Sapena Granell?:country of citizenship
?:Ernest Maragall?:country of citizenship
?:Ernest Urtasun?:country of citizenship
?:Esteban Caamaño Bernal?:country of citizenship
?:Esteban González Pons?:country of citizenship
?:Estefanía Torres?:country of citizenship
?:Eusebio Cano Pinto?:country of citizenship
?:Eva Ortiz Vilella?:country of citizenship
?:Federico Mayor Zaragoza?:country of citizenship
?:Felipe Camisón Asensio?:country of citizenship
?:Felipe Sánchez-Cuenca Martínez?:country of citizenship
?:Fernando Fernández Martín?:country of citizenship
?:Fernando Maura?:country of citizenship
?:Fernando Morán?:country of citizenship
?:Fernando Pérez Royo?:country of citizenship
?:Fernando Suárez González?:country of citizenship
?:Florencio Luque Aguilar?:country of citizenship
?:Florent Marcellesi?:country of citizenship
?:Francesc de Paula Gambús?:country of citizenship
?:Francisca Bennàssar Tous?:country of citizenship
?:Francisca Pleguezuelos?:country of citizenship
?:Francisco José Millán Mon?:country of citizenship
?:Francisco Oliva García?:country of citizenship
?:Francisco Sanz Fernández?:country of citizenship
?:Francisco Sosa Wagner?:country of citizenship
?:Gabriel Mato Adrover?:country of citizenship
?:Gerardo Galeote Quecedo?:country of citizenship
?:Gorka Knörr?:country of citizenship
?:Guadalupe Ruiz-Giménez?:country of citizenship
?:Heribert Barrera i Costa?:country of citizenship
?:Ignasi Guardans?:country of citizenship
?:Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero?:country of citizenship
?:Inés Ayala?:country of citizenship
?:Iratxe García?:country of citizenship
?:Isidoro Sánchez García?:country of citizenship
?:Izaskun Bilbao Barandica?:country of citizenship
?:Iñaki Irazabalbeitia?:country of citizenship
?:Jaime Mayor Oreja?:country of citizenship
?:Jaime Valdivielso de Cué?:country of citizenship
?:Javier Areitio Toledo?:country of citizenship
?:Javier Couso Permuy?:country of citizenship
?:Javier López Fernández?:country of citizenship
?:Javier Moreno Sánchez?:country of citizenship
?:Javier Nart?:country of citizenship
?:Jesús Cabezón Alonso?:country of citizenship
?:Joan Calabuig?:country of citizenship
?:Joan Colom i Naval?:country of citizenship
?:Joan Vallvé i Ribera?:country of citizenship
?:Joaquim Muns i Albuixech?:country of citizenship
?:Joaquín Sisó Cruellas?:country of citizenship
?:Jonás Fernández?:country of citizenship
?:Jordi Sebastià i Talavera?:country of citizenship
?:Jordi Solé Ferrando?:country of citizenship
?:Jorge Salvador Hernández Mollar?:country of citizenship
?:Josefa Andrés Barea?:country of citizenship
?:Josep Antoni Duran i Lleida?:country of citizenship
?:Josep Borrell?:country of citizenship
?:Josep Coderch?:country of citizenship
?:Josep Maria Terricabras i Nogueras?:country of citizenship
?:Josep Verde i Aldea?:country of citizenship
?:Josu Jon Imaz?:country of citizenship
?:Josu Juaristi?:country of citizenship
?:Josu Ortuondo Larrea?:country of citizenship
?:José Antonio Escudero López?:country of citizenship
?:José Blanco López?:country of citizenship
?:José Emilio Cervera Cardona?:country of citizenship
?:José Enrique Pons Grau?:country of citizenship
?:José García-Margallo y Marfil?:country of citizenship
?:José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra?:country of citizenship
?:José Javier Pomés Ruiz?:country of citizenship
?:José Luis García Raya?:country of citizenship
?:José María Gil-Robles y Gil-Delgado?:country of citizenship
?:José María Lafuente López?:country of citizenship
?:José María Mendiluce Pereiro?:country of citizenship
?:José María Ruiz Mateos Churrukems?:country of citizenship
?:José Miguel Bueno Vicente?:country of citizenship
?:José Posada?:country of citizenship
?:José Ramón Caso?:country of citizenship
?:José Ramón Herrero Merediz?:country of citizenship
?:José Vila Abelló?:country of citizenship
?:José Vázquez Fouz?:country of citizenship
?:José Álvarez de Paz?:country of citizenship
?:Juan Andrés Naranjo Escobar?:country of citizenship
?:Juan Andrés Perelló?:country of citizenship
?:Juan Carlos Girauta?:country of citizenship
?:Juan Fernando López Aguilar?:country of citizenship
?:Juan Fraile Cantón?:country of citizenship
?:Juan José Bayona de Perogordo?:country of citizenship
?:Juan Manuel Fabra Vallés?:country of citizenship
?:Juan María Bandrés Molet?:country of citizenship
?:Juan Ojeda Sanz?:country of citizenship
?:Juan de Dios Izquierdo Collado?:country of citizenship
?:Juan de Dios Ramírez Heredia?:country of citizenship
?:Julen Guimón?:country of citizenship
?:Julio Añoveros Trias de Bes?:country of citizenship
?:Julián Grimaldos Grimaldos?:country of citizenship
?:Koldo Gorostiaga Atxalandabaso?:country of citizenship
?:Laura Elena de Esteban Martín?:country of citizenship
?:Laura González Álvarez?:country of citizenship
?:Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo?:country of citizenship
?:Leopoldo Ortiz Climent?:country of citizenship
?:Lidia Senra?:country of citizenship
?:Lola Sánchez Caldentey?:country of citizenship
?:Loyola de Palacio?:country of citizenship
?:Ludivina García Arias?:country of citizenship
?:Luis Berenguer Fuster?:country of citizenship
?:Luis Campoy Zueco?:country of citizenship
?:Luis Guillermo de Perinat y Elío?:country of citizenship
?:Luis Herrero-Tejedor Algar?:country of citizenship
?:Luis Planas?:country of citizenship
?:Luis Vega y Escandón?:country of citizenship
?:Luis Yáñez-Barnuevo?:country of citizenship
?:Luis de Grandes Pascual?:country of citizenship
?:Luisa Fernanda Rudi Ubeda?:country of citizenship
?:Magdalena Álvarez?:country of citizenship
?:Maite Pagazaurtundúa?:country of citizenship
?:Manuel Fraga Iribarne?:country of citizenship
?:Manuel García Amigo?:country of citizenship
?:Manuel Medina?:country of citizenship
?:Manuel Pérez Álvarez?:country of citizenship
?:Manuela de Frutos Gama?:country of citizenship
?:Marcelino Oreja Arburúa?:country of citizenship
?:Marcelino Oreja, 1st Marquis of Oreja?:country of citizenship
?:Maria Badia i Cutchet?:country of citizenship
?:Maria Dolors Renau?:country of citizenship
?:Marina Albiol?:country of citizenship
?:Marta Andreasen?:country of citizenship
?:Martí Grau i Segú?:country of citizenship
?:María Antonia Avilés Perea?:country of citizenship
?:María Auxiliadora Correa Zamora?:country of citizenship
?:María Elena Flores Valencia?:country of citizenship
?:María Esther Herranz García?:country of citizenship
?:María Irigoyen Pérez?:country of citizenship
?:María Isabel Salinas?:country of citizenship
?:María Izquierdo Rojo?:country of citizenship
?:María Jesús Aramburu del Río?:country of citizenship
?:María Luisa Bergaz Conesa?:country of citizenship
?:María Muñiz de Urquiza?:country of citizenship
?:María Rodríguez Ramos?:country of citizenship
?:María Sornosa Martinez?:country of citizenship
?:María Teresa Estevan Bolea?:country of citizenship
?:María del Pilar Ayuso González?:country of citizenship
?:Mateo Sierra Bardají?:country of citizenship
?:Mercedes de la Merced?:country of citizenship
?:Miguel Arias Cañete?:country of citizenship
?:Miguel Urbán Crespo?:country of citizenship
?:Miguel Ángel Martínez Martínez?:country of citizenship
?:Mikel Irujo Amezaga?:country of citizenship
?:Miquel Mayol?:country of citizenship
?:Mónica Ridruejo?:country of citizenship
?:Oriol Junqueras i Vies?:country of citizenship
?:Pablo Arias Echeverría?:country of citizenship
?:Pablo Echenique-Robba?:country of citizenship
?:Pablo Iglesias Turrión?:country of citizenship
?:Pablo Zalba Bidegain?:country of citizenship
?:Paloma López?:country of citizenship
?:Paquita Sauquillo?:country of citizenship
?:Pedro Aparicio Sánchez?:country of citizenship
?:Pedro Argüelles Salaverría?:country of citizenship
?:Pedro Bofill Abeilhe?:country of citizenship
?:Pedro Marset Campos?:country of citizenship
?:Pedro Pacheco Herrera?:country of citizenship
?:Pere Esteve i Abad?:country of citizenship
?:Pilar del Castillo?:country of citizenship
?:Pío Cabanillas Gallas?:country of citizenship
?:Rafael Calvo Ortega?:country of citizenship
?:Raimon Obiols i Germà?:country of citizenship
?:Ramon Tremosa?:country of citizenship
?:Ramón Jáuregui?:country of citizenship
?:Ramón Luis Valcárcel Siso?:country of citizenship
?:Raúl Morodo?:country of citizenship
?:Raül Romeva?:country of citizenship
?:Ricardo Cortés Lastra?:country of citizenship
?:Rosa Díez?:country of citizenship
?:Rosa Estaràs?:country of citizenship
?:Rosa Miguélez?:country of citizenship
?:Salvador Domingo Sanz Palacio?:country of citizenship
?:Salvador Garriga Polledo?:country of citizenship
?:Salvador Jové?:country of citizenship
?:Salvador Sedó i Alabarta?:country of citizenship
?:Santiago Fisas Ayxelá?:country of citizenship
?:Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto?:country of citizenship
?:Soledad Cabezón Ruiz?:country of citizenship
?:Tania González Peñas?:country of citizenship
?:Teresa Domingo Segarra?:country of citizenship
?:Teresa Giménez Barbat?:country of citizenship
?:Teresa Jiménez-Becerril?:country of citizenship
?:Teresa Riera?:country of citizenship
?:Teresa Rodríguez?:country of citizenship
?:Theresa Zabell?:country of citizenship
?:Verónica Lope Fontagne?:country of citizenship
?:Vicente Miguel Garcés Ramón?:country of citizenship
?:Víctor Manuel Arbeloa?:country of citizenship
?:Willy Meyer Pleite?:country of citizenship
?:Xabier Benito Ziluaga?:country of citizenship
?:Xavier Rubert de Ventós?:country of citizenship
?:Xerardo Fernández Albor?:country of citizenship
?:Ángela Sierra?:country of citizenship
?:Íñigo Méndez de Vigo?:country of citizenship