Table for the 355 triples with object <> on predicate country of citizenship sorted by label

?:Albert Dess?:country of citizenship
?:Albert Pürsten?:country of citizenship
?:Alexander Graf Lambsdorff?:country of citizenship
?:Alexander Nuno Alvaro?:country of citizenship
?:Alexander Radwan?:country of citizenship
?:Alexandra Thein?:country of citizenship
?:Alfons Goppel?:country of citizenship
?:Alfred Gomolka?:country of citizenship
?:Andreas Schwab?:country of citizenship
?:André Brie?:country of citizenship
?:Angelika Beer?:country of citizenship
?:Angelika Niebler?:country of citizenship
?:Anja Weisgerber?:country of citizenship
?:Anne-Karin Glase?:country of citizenship
?:Annemarie Kuhn?:country of citizenship
?:Annette Koewius?:country of citizenship
?:Armin Laschet?:country of citizenship
?:Arne Gericke?:country of citizenship
?:Arne Lietz?:country of citizenship
?:Axel Norbert Zarges?:country of citizenship
?:Axel Schäfer?:country of citizenship
?:Axel Voss?:country of citizenship
?:Barbara Lochbihler?:country of citizenship
?:Barbara Schmidbauer?:country of citizenship
?:Barbara Simons?:country of citizenship
?:Barbara Weiler?:country of citizenship
?:Beate Weber?:country of citizenship
?:Beatrix von Storch?:country of citizenship
?:Benedikt Härlin?:country of citizenship
?:Bernd Kölmel?:country of citizenship
?:Bernd Lange?:country of citizenship
?:Bernd Lucke?:country of citizenship
?:Bernd Posselt?:country of citizenship
?:Bernhard Rapkay?:country of citizenship
?:Bernhard Sälzer?:country of citizenship
?:Birgit Collin-Langen?:country of citizenship
?:Birgit Schnieber-Jastram?:country of citizenship
?:Birgit Sippel?:country of citizenship
?:Bogdan Wenta?:country of citizenship
?:Brigitte Heinrich?:country of citizenship
?:Brigitte Langenhagen?:country of citizenship
?:Brigitte Wenzel-Perillo?:country of citizenship
?:Britta Reimers?:country of citizenship
?:Bruno Friedrich?:country of citizenship
?:Burkhard Balz?:country of citizenship
?:Casimir Sayn-Wittgenstein?:country of citizenship
?:Cem Özdemir?:country of citizenship
?:Christa Klaß?:country of citizenship
?:Christa Randzio-Plath?:country of citizenship
?:Christel Fiebiger?:country of citizenship
?:Christian Ehler?:country of citizenship
?:Christian von Boetticher?:country of citizenship
?:Christof Tannert?:country of citizenship
?:Christoph Werner Konrad?:country of citizenship
?:Claudia Roth?:country of citizenship
?:Constanze Angela Krehl?:country of citizenship
?:Cornelia Ernst?:country of citizenship
?:Dagmar Roth-Behrendt?:country of citizenship
?:Daniel Caspary?:country of citizenship
?:Daniel Cohn-Bendit?:country of citizenship
?:Daniel Strož?:country of citizenship
?:David McAllister?:country of citizenship
?:Detlev Samland?:country of citizenship
?:Diemut Theato?:country of citizenship
?:Dieter Rogalla?:country of citizenship
?:Dieter Schinzel?:country of citizenship
?:Dieter-Lebrecht Koch?:country of citizenship
?:Dietmar Köster?:country of citizenship
?:Dietrich Elchlepp?:country of citizenship
?:Doris Pack?:country of citizenship
?:Dorothee Piermont?:country of citizenship
?:Edgar Josef Schiedermeier?:country of citizenship
?:Edith Müller?:country of citizenship
?:Egbert Nitsch?:country of citizenship
?:Egon Klepsch?:country of citizenship
?:Elisabeth Jeggle?:country of citizenship
?:Elisabeth Schroedter?:country of citizenship
?:Elmar Brok?:country of citizenship
?:Emil Schlee?:country of citizenship
?:Emilia Müller?:country of citizenship
?:Erdmann Linde?:country of citizenship
?:Erhard Meier?:country of citizenship
?:Erik Blumenfeld?:country of citizenship
?:Erika Mann?:country of citizenship
?:Ernst Majonica?:country of citizenship
?:Ernst Müller-Hermann?:country of citizenship
?:Erwin Lange?:country of citizenship
?:Eugen Loderer?:country of citizenship
?:Eva Quistorp?:country of citizenship
?:Evelyne Gebhardt?:country of citizenship
?:Ewa Klamt?:country of citizenship
?:Fabio Valeriano Lanfranco De Masi?:country of citizenship
?:Feleknas Uca?:country of citizenship
?:Frank Schwalba-Hoth?:country of citizenship
?:Franz Schönhuber?:country of citizenship
?:Franz-Joseph Nordlohne?:country of citizenship
?:Franz-Ludwig Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg?:country of citizenship
?:Franziska Brantner?:country of citizenship
?:Frieder Otto Wolf?:country of citizenship
?:Friedrich Merz?:country of citizenship
?:Friedrich-Wilhelm Graefe zu Baringdorf?:country of citizenship
?:Frithjof Schmidt?:country of citizenship
?:Fritz Gautier?:country of citizenship
?:Fritz Pirkl?:country of citizenship
?:Gabriele Preuß?:country of citizenship
?:Gabriele Stauner?:country of citizenship
?:Gabriele Zimmer?:country of citizenship
?:Garrelt Duin?:country of citizenship
?:Georg Jarzembowski?:country of citizenship
?:Gepa Maibaum?:country of citizenship
?:Gerald Häfner?:country of citizenship
?:Gerd Ludwig Lemmer?:country of citizenship
?:Gerd Müller?:country of citizenship
?:Gerd Walter?:country of citizenship
?:Gerhard Botz?:country of citizenship
?:Gerhard Schmid?:country of citizenship
?:Gero Pfennig?:country of citizenship
?:Gesine Meißner?:country of citizenship
?:Gisela Kallenbach?:country of citizenship
?:Godelieve Quisthoudt-Rowohl?:country of citizenship
?:Günter Lüttge?:country of citizenship
?:Günter Rinsche?:country of citizenship
?:Günter Topmann?:country of citizenship
?:Günther Müller?:country of citizenship
?:Hanna Walz?:country of citizenship
?:Hans Katzer?:country of citizenship
?:Hans Modrow?:country of citizenship
?:Hans Poetschki?:country of citizenship
?:Hans-August Lücker?:country of citizenship
?:Hans-Gert Pöttering?:country of citizenship
?:Hans-Günter Schodruch?:country of citizenship
?:Hans-Joachim Beckmann?:country of citizenship
?:Hans-Joachim Seeler?:country of citizenship
?:Hans-Olaf Henkel?:country of citizenship
?:Hans-Peter Mayer?:country of citizenship
?:Harald Neubauer?:country of citizenship
?:Hartmut Nassauer?:country of citizenship
?:Hartmut Perschau?:country of citizenship
?:Hedwig Keppelhoff-Wiechert?:country of citizenship
?:Heide Rühle?:country of citizenship
?:Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul?:country of citizenship
?:Heinke Salisch?:country of citizenship
?:Heinrich Aigner?:country of citizenship
?:Heinrich Jürgens?:country of citizenship
?:Heinz Kindermann?:country of citizenship
?:Heinz Köhler?:country of citizenship
?:Heinz Kühn?:country of citizenship
?:Heinz Oskar Vetter?:country of citizenship
?:Heinz Schreiber?:country of citizenship
?:Helga Trüpel?:country of citizenship
?:Hellmut Sieglerschmidt?:country of citizenship
?:Helmut Kuhne?:country of citizenship
?:Helmut Martin Rieger?:country of citizenship
?:Helmut Scholz?:country of citizenship
?:Helmuth Markov?:country of citizenship
?:Helwin Peter?:country of citizenship
?:Herbert Reul?:country of citizenship
?:Herbert W. Köhler?:country of citizenship
?:Hermann Heinemann?:country of citizenship
?:Hermann Winkler?:country of citizenship
?:Hiltrud Breyer?:country of citizenship
?:Holger Krahmer?:country of citizenship
?:Honor Funk?:country of citizenship
?:Horst Langes?:country of citizenship
?:Horst Posdorf?:country of citizenship
?:Horst Schnellhardt?:country of citizenship
?:Horst Seefeld?:country of citizenship
?:Ilka Schröder?:country of citizenship
?:Ingeborg Gräßle?:country of citizenship
?:Ingo Friedrich?:country of citizenship
?:Ingo Schmitt?:country of citizenship
?:Irene Soltwedel-Schäfer?:country of citizenship
?:Iris Hoffmann?:country of citizenship
?:Isidor Früh?:country of citizenship
?:Ismail Ertug?:country of citizenship
?:Jakob von Uexkull?:country of citizenship
?:Jakob von Weizsäcker?:country of citizenship
?:Jan Klinkenborg?:country of citizenship
?:Jan Philipp Albrecht?:country of citizenship
?:Jannis Sakellariou?:country of citizenship
?:Jens Geier?:country of citizenship
?:Jens Gieseke?:country of citizenship
?:Jo Leinen?:country of citizenship
?:Joachim Schuster?:country of citizenship
?:Joachim Starbatty?:country of citizenship
?:Joachim Wuermeling?:country of citizenship
?:Joachim Zeller?:country of citizenship
?:Jochen van Aerssen?:country of citizenship
?:Johanna Grund?:country of citizenship
?:Johannes Wilhelm Peters?:country of citizenship
?:Jorgo Chatzimarkakis?:country of citizenship
?:Julia Reda?:country of citizenship
?:Jutta Haug?:country of citizenship
?:Jutta Steinruck?:country of citizenship
?:Jörg Meuthen?:country of citizenship
?:Jürgen Brinckmeier?:country of citizenship
?:Jürgen Creutzmann?:country of citizenship
?:Jürgen Klute?:country of citizenship
?:Jürgen Schröder?:country of citizenship
?:Jürgen Zimmerling?:country of citizenship
?:Kai-Uwe von Hassel?:country of citizenship
?:Karin Junker?:country of citizenship
?:Karin Jöns?:country of citizenship
?:Karl Fuchs?:country of citizenship
?:Karl Hauenschild?:country of citizenship
?:Karl Partsch?:country of citizenship
?:Karl Schön?:country of citizenship
?:Karl von Wogau?:country of citizenship
?:Karl-Heinrich Mihr?:country of citizenship
?:Karl-Heinz Florenz?:country of citizenship
?:Karl-Heinz Hoffmann?:country of citizenship
?:Karsten Friedrich Hoppenstedt?:country of citizenship
?:Karsten Knolle?:country of citizenship
?:Katharina Focke?:country of citizenship
?:Kerstin Westphal?:country of citizenship
?:Klaus Buchner?:country of citizenship
?:Klaus Hänsch?:country of citizenship
?:Klaus Rehder?:country of citizenship
?:Klaus Wettig?:country of citizenship
?:Klaus-Heiner Lehne?:country of citizenship
?:Klaus-Peter Köhler?:country of citizenship
?:Knut Fleckenstein?:country of citizenship
?:Konrad Schwaiger?:country of citizenship
?:Konrad Schön?:country of citizenship
?:Kurt Joachim Lauk?:country of citizenship
?:Kurt Lechner?:country of citizenship
?:Kurt Malangré?:country of citizenship
?:Kurt Vittinghoff?:country of citizenship
?:Kurt Wawrzik?:country of citizenship
?:Leopold Spaeth?:country of citizenship
?:Leyla Onur?:country of citizenship
?:Lilo Seibel-Emmerling?:country of citizenship
?:Lissy Gröner?:country of citizenship
?:Lore Neugebauer?:country of citizenship
?:Lothar Bisky?:country of citizenship
?:Ludwig Fellermaier?:country of citizenship
?:Luise Herklotz?:country of citizenship
?:Lutz Goepel?:country of citizenship
?:Magdalene Hoff?:country of citizenship
?:Manfred Vohrer?:country of citizenship
?:Manfred Wagner?:country of citizenship
?:Manfred Weber?:country of citizenship
?:Marcus Pretzell?:country of citizenship
?:Margot Kessler?:country of citizenship
?:Maria Heubuch?:country of citizenship
?:Maria Noichl?:country of citizenship
?:Markus Ferber?:country of citizenship
?:Markus Pieper?:country of citizenship
?:Marlene Lenz?:country of citizenship
?:Marlies Mosiek-Urbahn?:country of citizenship
?:Martin Bangemann?:country of citizenship
?:Martin Häusling?:country of citizenship
?:Martin Kastler?:country of citizenship
?:Martin Schirdewan?:country of citizenship
?:Martin Schulz?:country of citizenship
?:Martin Sonneborn?:country of citizenship
?:Martina Michels?:country of citizenship
?:Martina Werner?:country of citizenship
?:Matthias Groote?:country of citizenship
?:Mechthild von Alemann?:country of citizenship
?:Mechtild Rothe?:country of citizenship
?:Meinolf Mertens?:country of citizenship
?:Michael Cramer?:country of citizenship
?:Michael Gahler?:country of citizenship
?:Michael Klöckner?:country of citizenship
?:Michael Theurer?:country of citizenship
?:Milan Horáček?:country of citizenship
?:Monika Hohlmeier?:country of citizenship
?:Nadja Hirsch?:country of citizenship
?:Norbert Glante?:country of citizenship
?:Norbert Lins?:country of citizenship
?:Norbert Neuser?:country of citizenship
?:Olaf Schwencke?:country of citizenship
?:Otmar Franz?:country of citizenship
?:Otto Bardong?:country of citizenship
?:Otto von Habsburg?:country of citizenship
?:Ozan Ceyhun?:country of citizenship
?:Paul Schnitker?:country of citizenship
?:Peter Jahr?:country of citizenship
?:Peter Kittelmann?:country of citizenship
?:Peter Liese?:country of citizenship
?:Peter Michael Mombaur?:country of citizenship
?:Peter Simon?:country of citizenship
?:Petra Kammerevert?:country of citizenship
?:Philipp von Bismarck?:country of citizenship
?:Rainer Wieland?:country of citizenship
?:Ralf Walter?:country of citizenship
?:Rebecca Harms?:country of citizenship
?:Reimer Böge?:country of citizenship
?:Reinhard Bütikofer?:country of citizenship
?:Reinhold Bocklet?:country of citizenship
?:Renate Sommer?:country of citizenship
?:Roland Gewalt?:country of citizenship
?:Rolf Berend?:country of citizenship
?:Rolf Linkohr?:country of citizenship
?:Rosemarie Müller?:country of citizenship
?:Rosemarie Wemheuer?:country of citizenship
?:Rudi Arndt?:country of citizenship
?:Rudolf Luster?:country of citizenship
?:Rudolf Schieler?:country of citizenship
?:Rudolf Wedekind?:country of citizenship
?:Ruth Hieronymi?:country of citizenship
?:Rüdiger Hitzigrath?:country of citizenship
?:Rüdiger von Wechmar?:country of citizenship
?:Sabine Lösing?:country of citizenship
?:Sabine Verheyen?:country of citizenship
?:Sabine Wils?:country of citizenship
?:Sabine Zissener?:country of citizenship
?:Sahra Wagenknecht?:country of citizenship
?:Siegbert Alber?:country of citizenship
?:Silvana Koch-Mehrin?:country of citizenship
?:Ska Keller?:country of citizenship
?:Stanislaw Tillich?:country of citizenship
?:Stefan Bernhard Eck?:country of citizenship
?:Susanne Melior?:country of citizenship
?:Sven Giegold?:country of citizenship
?:Sven Schulze?:country of citizenship
?:Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann?:country of citizenship
?:Terry Reintke?:country of citizenship
?:Thomas Händel?:country of citizenship
?:Thomas Mann?:country of citizenship
?:Thomas Ulmer?:country of citizenship
?:Thomas Vring?:country of citizenship
?:Tobias Pflüger?:country of citizenship
?:Udo Bullmann?:country of citizenship
?:Udo Voigt?:country of citizenship
?:Ulrich Irmer?:country of citizenship
?:Ulrich Stockmann?:country of citizenship
?:Ulrike Müller?:country of citizenship
?:Ulrike Rodust?:country of citizenship
?:Ulrike Trebesius?:country of citizenship
?:Undine von Blottnitz?:country of citizenship
?:Ursula Braun-Moser?:country of citizenship
?:Ursula Schleicher?:country of citizenship
?:Volkmar Gabert?:country of citizenship
?:Vural Öger?:country of citizenship
?:Werner Amberg?:country of citizenship
?:Werner Kuhn?:country of citizenship
?:Werner Langen?:country of citizenship
?:Werner Münch?:country of citizenship
?:Werner Schulz?:country of citizenship
?:Wilfried Kuckelkorn?:country of citizenship
?:Wilfried Telkämper?:country of citizenship
?:Wilhelm Hahn?:country of citizenship
?:Wilhelm Helms?:country of citizenship
?:Willi Görlach?:country of citizenship
?:Willi Piecyk?:country of citizenship
?:Willi Rothley?:country of citizenship
?:Willy Brandt?:country of citizenship
?:Winfried Menrad?:country of citizenship
?:Wolf Klinz?:country of citizenship
?:Wolfgang Hackel?:country of citizenship
?:Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler?:country of citizenship
?:Wolfgang Ullmann?:country of citizenship
?:Xaver Mayer?:country of citizenship