Table for the 23 triples with object <> on predicate country of citizenship sorted by label

?:Alfred Gomolka?:country of citizenship
?:André Brie?:country of citizenship
?:Anne-Karin Glase?:country of citizenship
?:Constanze Angela Krehl?:country of citizenship
?:Dieter-Lebrecht Koch?:country of citizenship
?:Gabriele Zimmer?:country of citizenship
?:Gerhard Botz?:country of citizenship
?:Hans Modrow?:country of citizenship
?:Helmuth Markov?:country of citizenship
?:Hermann Winkler?:country of citizenship
?:Iris Hoffmann?:country of citizenship
?:Jürgen Schröder?:country of citizenship
?:Lothar Bisky?:country of citizenship
?:Lutz Goepel?:country of citizenship
?:Margot Kessler?:country of citizenship
?:Martina Michels?:country of citizenship
?:Rolf Berend?:country of citizenship
?:Sahra Wagenknecht?:country of citizenship
?:Ska Keller?:country of citizenship
?:Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann?:country of citizenship
?:Ulrich Stockmann?:country of citizenship
?:Werner Schulz?:country of citizenship
?:Wolfgang Ullmann?:country of citizenship