Table for the 5 triples for predicate prov:editorsDefinition with domain owl:ObjectProperty

prov:activity"The prov:activity property references an prov:Activity which influenced a resource. This property applies to an prov:ActivityInfluence, which is given by a subproperty of prov:qualifiedInfluence from the influenced prov:Entity, prov:Activity or prov:Agent."
prov:agent"The prov:agent property references an prov:Agent which influenced a resource. This property applies to an prov:AgentInfluence, which is given by a subproperty of prov:qualifiedInfluence from the influenced prov:Entity, prov:Activity or prov:Agent."@en
prov:entity"The prov:entity property references an prov:Entity which influenced a resource. This property applies to an prov:EntityInfluence, which is given by a subproperty of prov:qualifiedInfluence from the influenced prov:Entity, prov:Activity or prov:Agent."
prov:hadRole"prov:hadRole references the Role (i.e. the function of an entity with respect to an activity), in the context of an instantaneous usage, generation, association, start, and end."@en
prov:influencer"This property is used as part of the qualified influence pattern. Subclasses of prov:Influence use these subproperties to reference the resource (Entity, Agent, or Activity) whose influence is being qualified."@en