Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2014-02-05-Speech-3-283-625"

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lpv:spoken text
"Having your home or business damaged by natural catastrophes such as flooding or storms is an extremely traumatic experience. Thousands of people across Ireland have experienced such damage over recent weeks in Ireland. Thousands of people in Dublin, such as people along the river Dodder, find it all but impossible to get insurance, despite the fact that millions have been spent on flood defences in the area over recent years. The European Commission’s 2009 White Paper on Adapting to Climate Change suggested publicly-supported insurance schemes where no insurance exists and concluded that, due to the cross-border effects of climate change, there may be merit in promoting a European-wide insurance scheme. The 2012 report entitled Natural Catastrophes: Risk relevance and Insurance Coverage in the EU 28 concluded that ‘there are cases where NatCat [natural catastrophe] insurance markets do not seem to fully cope with existing risks’. I would therefore take issue with the view that there is no market distortion in this field to justify European intervention, and I would urge the Commission to give serious consideration to proposing a European-wide insurance scheme to guarantee cover for flood-risk homes."@en1

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