Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2013-05-22-Speech-3-453-000"
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"Madam President, the appalling problem of the millions of external and internal refugees cannot be considered in isolation. Their difficulties will only be overcome when the conflict comes to an end. The problem is, of course, that neither side seems likely to win decisively in the foreseeable future.
The conflict is often depicted as being one between incontrovertible good – the opposition – and incontrovertible evil – the Government. In fact, both sides have committed hideous atrocities. The Government is politically repressive but socially secular. Some of the opposition are – or claim to be – both politically and socially liberal. Others, the Islamists, are neither, and they certainly are not secular. Their regime would be more oppressive than Assad’s Syria.
The answer is not to provide arms to either side, and it is not to bring the population to neighbouring countries or to Europe. The answer is for the whole international community to urge talks between government and opposition without preconditions – except, of course, for a ceasefire."@en1
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