Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-11-21-Speech-3-230-750"

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"I voted for the report on the modification of concessions with respect to processed poultry meat between the European Union and the Federal Republic of Brazil, and between the European Union and the Kingdom of Thailand. Following negotiations pursuant to Article XXVIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (GATT 1994), the EU recorded a dramatic import surge of processed poultry meat. Foreign exporters seemed to take advantage of a relative gap in the EU level of protection, substituting poultry preparations containing more than 57 % of poultry meat with preparations containing less than 57 %, under a similar tariff line. In order to address the substitution effects of imports affecting the EU poultry industry caused by the dramatic import surge of processed poultry meat, the Commission was authorised by the Council to renegotiate the concessions on poultry meat. The Commission negotiated in parallel with Brazil and Thailand, each of them holding principal supplying and/or substantial interests in several of the tariff lines concerned. The negotiations resulted in Agreements comprising a mutually satisfactory compensatory adjustment offsetting the increase in bound duties. The date of entry into force of the regulation should be the same as the date of entry into force of the two agreements, thus after receiving notifications from both Thailand and Brazil."@en1

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