Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-10-25-Speech-4-182-000"
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"Mr President, this is a very important report. Japan is our second largest trading partner after China, with the EU, and Japan has invested heavily in the European Union. Japan’s production of motor vehicles, both in the European Union and in my own country, the UK, is quite splendid. 140 000 jobs are being kept going – the number is in fact increasing – because of Japan’s investment in the EU economy.
Likewise, we ought to be investing in the Japanese economy. What we need to do is to ask the Japanese not to keep on with quantitative tariffs and quantitative restrictions, but to open up their distribution networks to our exports and our services. It is sometimes very difficult to distribute within Japan because of the way in which business is done there, and we need Japan to understand that we should also be able to have a level playing field so that we can access the Japanese market and Japanese consumers in the same way that we have permitted Japan to access our markets and to sell its goods to our people. This is a very important report."@en1
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