Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-09-11-Speech-2-523-000"

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"Yet again this year, the Council has resorted to its favourite tactic of across-the-board cuts to all budget headings, without basing its decision on a detailed and thorough analysis. Although it is widely accepted and proven that cohesion policy is the main and most appropriate investment instrument for taking the EU into growth and creating jobs, the Council’s cuts focus on the objective of regional competitiveness and employment, on the objective of territorial cooperation and on the cohesion fund. It should be noted that these cuts are completely out of kilter with the conclusions of the June summit. As far as payments under this heading are concerned, the draft budget qualifies as an absolute minimum and is based on the assumption that all payments required from the previous year will be covered in 2012. However, with the Council cuts, the risk of this payment shortfall spilling over into 2013, as happened between 2011 and 2012, is more than visible. Any such development could jeopardise the proper implementation of these programmes in the final year of the current multiannual financial framework. We should therefore oppose the Council cuts."@en1

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