Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-09-11-Speech-2-447-500"

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"Clearly, the extent of the fiscal crisis is putting both cohesion and the economic policy of the Union to the test. The multiannual financial framework applied to a stable and optimistic environment in 2006 will be completed next year in a completely different economic environment. As such, the initial objectives and priorities need to be adapted to the new situation. In this joint motion for a resolution, which I supported, the European Parliament compares the importance of greater unification to counterbalance the crisis, on the one hand, with the immediate need for a road map for rational and efficient use of Community resources in the future, on the other. Obviously, new challenges of particular concern to Greece, such as widespread youth unemployment, the need for more intervention at the initiative of the European Investment Bank and the importance of creating a climate of economic growth and investment, should be included in the new multiannual financial package."@en1

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