Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-07-04-Speech-3-596-000"

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"Mr President, I would like to put two points to the Council, the representatives of the High Representative, against the dramatic backdrop of the situation in Syria. I would like to ask for European support for the peaceful local popular movement which means reconciliation, reconciliation from below, interreligious, interethnic. I hope that this also obtains the support and the attention of the EU delegation in Damascus. That was my first point. My second point is that, in a previous debate about Syria in plenary, I asked for European eyes and minds to be focused on the extraordinarily perilous situation of Syrian Christians. If you have been reading about what is currently happening in Homs, where hundreds of Christians are like rats in a trap, along with a similar number of Sunnis, you may also have been reading – and I am getting more and more reports – about kidnappings for exorbitant ransoms and then more cold-blooded death squads targeting Christians, and I am sure you understand that we are talking about a truly critical and dramatic situation. I hope that the European Union is also alive to this, above all within Syria, and does not concentrate too much of its attention on the opposition in exile."@en1

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