Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-04-20-Speech-5-184-000"
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A modern and effective higher education system is crucial for the future of Europe. By 2020, at least one in three jobs in the EU will require a higher education degree. On average, only one in four young people today graduate from a college or university. We therefore need to make huge efforts to catch up.
At the same time, we have to focus more strongly on cross-border studies: our new ambition is that, by 2020, 20% of all students will complete a part of their studies or training abroad. This represents a two-fold increase on the current figures. So, there is work to be done.
Finally, allow me to add this: despite the criticism of the new ranking model for higher education, I do believe that we at least need to give this U-Multirank system a chance, if only because it is based on the needs of the student and not on the prestige of the educational institution.
In any case, this is a fresh approach. Education is about a lot more than just available budgets for R&D and the number of publications you publish in reputable journals. We support the Commission in this project and look forward, with interest, to the end-result which we need to have ready by the summer."@en1
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