Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-03-28-Speech-3-120-000"

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". Madam President, the totally reprehensible Turkish television commercial featuring Adolf Hitler confirms my absolute determination to call you, Commissioner Füle, to account in this debate about the reality of anti-Semitism in Turkey, which is an accession candidate. I emphasise here the urgent call of the Turkish-Jewish scholar and publicist Rifat Bali, with whom I am in correspondence. This is what he wrote to me: ‘The EU should make it clear, in very strong terms, that the passive attitude of the Turkish Government and judiciary to anti-Semitic statements in the Turkish media is unacceptable. Such actions should be punished severely’. I expect you, Commissioner Füle, to tackle Prime Minister Erdoğan immediately over this abject anti-Semitism. The leader of the Turkish Government is denying this dismal reality with the irrational argument that Islam does not allow anti-Semitism. On behalf of the Protestant community – and that is my second point – I have three more urgent requests for the Commission. These action points for the Turkish Government are: a lot more permits and a generous policy on church construction, abolition of the separate mention of religion on identity cards, because that leads to numerous cases of discrimination against Turkish Christians and, finally, abolition of optional Islamic religious education from school curricula, because it makes Christian students a constant target of their teachers and classmates."@en1

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