Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-02-16-Speech-4-058-000"

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"Mr President, this new convention represents a major simplification of the various existing provisions. That is a good thing. It could provide a boost to trade, economic growth, poverty reduction and the southern Mediterranean countries’ mutual social, commercial and economic integration. This dossier has been labelled by the Commission as a priority within the framework of our response to the Arab Spring, as it has become known. In the light of current developments, democracy does not seem to have been an obvious outcome of these insurrections. Let our trade policy, therefore, not be a naïve one. Though I speak in favourable terms of this new pan-Euro-Mediterranean convention, I would like to express my disapproval of the accompanying resolution. Ten of the 19 recitals and eight of the 20 paragraphs are devoted to the alleged incorrect application of the implementing rules of Protocol 4 of the association agreement between the EU and Israel. This seems to me to be not only disproportionate, but also inconsistent with the statements made by the Directorate General Taxation and Customs Union last year, to the effect that this agreement is being satisfactorily implemented."@en1

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