Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-02-15-Speech-3-435-000"

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"Madam President, the spectre of an absolutely merciless civil war has become a reality in Syria, hence the cry for help from a member of the Christian minority: ‘We have nobody to protect us’. Is it not the case that the terrible day of ethnic and religious score-settling, or day of reckoning, as some are already calling it, is already looming? What is the wise course for the European Union to take in this Syrian snake pit? That is why I would like to address a few questions to the High Representative, or her representative, this afternoon. Is there actually a serious alternative to the Assad regime at present? What I mean is, the Syrian opposition appears to be both politically and militarily fragmented. How does the High Representative view the prospect of the collapse of the Syrian state? Does she consider that to be a genuine risk, certainly now that, according to some insiders, the presence of al-Qaeda on Syrian territory can no longer be denied? One last question, actually more of a call. Let the European Union, in the first instance, make every possible effort internationally to stop the bloodshed in Syria by forcing the warring factions to the negotiating table. The alternatives to the Assad regime are even now pushing the country further towards the abyss."@en1

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