Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-01-18-Speech-3-045-000"

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"Mr President, welcome Prime Minister. There are major challenges ahead of the Danish Presidency over the next six months. Among other things, it is expected that the Danish Presidency will focus on reforming the EU’s energy consumption. This is a huge challenge, as the Member States all have such different needs. I hope the Presidency will support the development of completely new renewable energy initiatives. Wind, water and solar energy are quite simply not enough. Denmark has taken over the Presidency during a grim period. The economic crisis is having major consequences for the people of Europe, who are already being hit hard by unemployment, which is something we are hearing from all sides today, particularly among young people. We can change this if we strengthen the small and medium-sized enterprises, which are suffering very difficult conditions right now. As you said yourself, it is time to kick start growth. I do not expect the Presidency to spend time making amendments to the Treaties that do not have the support of the people. The crisis must not be used as an excuse for more EU bureaucracy. The time should instead be spent on tangible results, realism, increased competitiveness and strengthening the internal market. Other important matters also need urgent attention, as we are hearing from our fellow Members. The reforms of the fisheries policy and agricultural policy are matters that are on the table right now. At a time of financial deficit and demands for national savings, it would be appropriate for the EU to demand one base for this Parliament and to make substantial cuts in both agricultural and fisheries subsidies. We know that, in their current form, these two areas do not work as they are supposed to, but they nevertheless cost citizens dearly. We need to stop paying for initiatives that do not have the desired effect. I am pleased to hear that the Presidency will work in a targeted and realistic way to enable European citizens to regain confidence in their future in our part of the world."@en1

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