Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-12-12-Speech-1-224-000"

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"Mr President, I would like to express my great gratitude to Mr Sturdy for presenting this issue to us with accompanying recommendations. Certainly we are in a difficult position in the European Union right now. We have our own problems in the eurozone. Our future in terms of competing against the rest of the world and keeping up our economic situation is certainly at risk. For that reason, we have to try and ensure that everything in relation to trade is done fairly and across the board and that we are not disadvantaged. Certainly the point about the non-tariff barriers needs to be dealt with on a global level. In essence it is protectionism and that is not what is required in the modern era. We also we have to ensure that any FTAs we engage in are worthwhile and beneficial to European competitiveness and companies, and that they are both sensible and practical. I believe that many of them in the past were not like that."@en1

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