Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-11-16-Speech-3-322-000"
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"As the report states, European cinema has two very important dimensions: on the one hand, it represents European cultural expression, and, on the other, it is a creative industry with enormous economic potential. This double dimension means that investment in European cinema and its adaptation to the digital era are crucial, from both a cultural perspective and an economic one.
The figures are impressive: in 2010, European cinema produced 1 203 films, as opposed to 754 produced in the US. However, we still continue to immediately associate the word cinema with Hollywood, even though the majority of cinema production now takes place outside the US.
Today, we are awarding the LUX prize, created specifically to support European cinema, to a French film which deals with the themes of loyalty, solidarity and morality. We hope that this prize will serve to raise awareness, to encourage the European cinema industry to continue producing good films, and to encourage cinemagoers to choose good European productions."@en1
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