Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-10-25-Speech-2-437-000"

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"I voted for this report on the situation of single mothers. Single motherhood is an often overlooked demographic category since it is very difficult to place a face to the issue. Encompassing ages spanning over forty years and including all socio-economic backgrounds, single motherhood lacks an identifiable, visible lobby that can advocate for all single mothers, since policies affect each mother differently. Geographically across Europe, one can see a difference in the perceptions and policies towards single mothers. In the southern Mediterranean states (Italy, Portugal, Spain, Greece), it is generally accepted that extended family will assist in the raising of single parent children on a voluntary basis without reimbursement. In the northern and Nordic states (France, Sweden, Germany, Denmark), government welfare systems are in place to offer single mothers benefits and social assistance policies. In the Eastern European Member States, there is a general mix of policies, some holding on to strong familial values from the Communist regimes and others having a mix of the northern and southern European policies, while the geographic distributions, along with the age and socio-economic divisions, already make it difficult for single mothers to organise and lobby."@en1

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