Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-10-25-Speech-2-395-000"

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"I recommended to my group to vote against this report. The report advocates promoting mobility of workers as a major strategy to overcome unemployment, which is a flawed approach: current Member States’ austerity policies contributing to persistent unemployment, promoting mobility by way of temporary emigration of workers from poorer regions to the richer ones, will not overcome unemployment. Such a strategy could instead lead to a process of workers undercutting each other in terms of wages and working conditions. Promoting labour mobility at any cost contradicts regional and cohesion policy aiming at socio-economic development in poorer European regions. The report does not have much to say on improving workers rights under existing policies on free movement of workers. The most severe problems concerning workers’ mobility are currently to be observed under the freedom to provide services and the posting of workers. On these issues, the report has nothing to say. We deplore that the report does not address areas where the real problems occur. We do support some issues addressed, such as ending the transition periods on free movement of workers for Romania and Bulgaria, the need to combat social dumping and undeclared work, and a greater role for labour inspectorates."@en1
"Gabriele Zimmer (GUE/NGL ),"1

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