Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-10-25-Speech-2-043-500"

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lpv:translated text
"The European Semester is one of the tools created to consolidate economic governance in the EU. Its purpose is, alongside the ‘six-pack’ and the Stability and Growth Pact, to coordinate macro-economic and budgetary oversight, so as to achieve the Europe 2020 strategy’s targets. However, this first European Semester exercise has demonstrated serious failures in institutional terms, since Parliament has only been informed of the Commission’s recommendations and of the Council’s amendments, without the right to any type of political dialogue. As the representative of 500 million European citizens, Parliament cannot just be consulted: there must be space for greater transparency and political debate, thereby creating the legitimacy that this instrument needs. I eagerly await the evaluation of the European Semester once the national budgets and national reform programmes have been approved, so that the improvements in this mechanism can be reanalysed in order that the proposed objectives can be achieved. Once again, I would stress the need for cooperation and for quick decisions, in order that genuine economic governance based on the Commission and monitored by Parliament can be implemented."@en1

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