Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-27-Speech-2-549-000"

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"Mr President, I agree with Mr Turmes in believing that investment policies targeting clearer growth are necessary. I find that the European Investment Bank is a supportive funding tool that we under-utilise in Europe, not only in the euro area, but in all the Member States. I would be very happy with a synergy between public, bank and other resources organised by the European Investment Bank and private capital, which would target investments at the more underprivileged regions of Europe today. I would also like these investments to be increasingly innovative and serve the ambitions that the European Union developed elsewhere, in particular, in the field of supplying alternative energy resources and improving mobility networks within the southern part of the euro area and within EU Member States: Bulgaria, Romania and others, where additional efforts need to be made in terms of mobility."@en1

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