Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-13-Speech-2-599-000"

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"Madam President, my question is directed at Mr Andor. A few weeks ago, Mr Andor, I visited a large building site in France along with other Members from my group to find out at first hand about how mobile European workers are being treated. Those employees in particular who were supplied by temporary employment agencies and who came from Poland, for example, were being subjected to appalling exploitation. Their working conditions were very poor. During this year alone, up to the time of our visit, three people had died in occupational accidents on the building site. The workers lived in dreadful conditions. Tax and social security contributions were deducted from their wages, but they had no right to health insurance. It was not clear where the taxes were actually going. This is just one of many examples of how the legal and also the illegal opportunities are being exploited. My questions are: What measures is the Commission planning to take to guarantee that the Posting of Workers Directive is implemented properly in the Member States? What proposals is the Commission making to prevent employees recruited through long chains of subcontractors from being exploited?"@en1

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