Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-07-06-Speech-3-264-750"

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"The rapid pace of technological development in the global information society calls for comprehensive and coherent rules on data protection. The current lack of harmonisation between Member States’ national laws calls for the adoption of a comprehensive legal instrument at European level. Every citizen must have the right not only to be fully informed about processed data about them, including its source and recipients, but also to receive intelligible information about the logic involved in any automatic processing of that data. We therefore support the need to introduce a general principle of transparency for the processing of personal data, to provide specific forms of protection for vulnerable persons and to maintain the derogations allowed for certain journalistic purposes in order to safeguard freedom of the press. Lastly, we call on the European Commission to consider how a personal data breach notification requirement might be established on a general basis (such a requirement at present applies to the telecommunications sector only), to establish a personal data breach notification system along the lines of that introduced by the ePrivacy Directive, and to provide for a special restrictive regime for ‘sensitive data’, which will consequently require a clear definition of this category of data."@en1

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