Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-06-08-Speech-3-612-000"

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"I believe that the European Parliament has the right to discuss the legislative solutions enshrined in the constitutions of its Member States. We live in one Europe, and the citizens of our countries have a right to live in any Member State without any barriers. However, we must remember that the European nations have a sovereign right to enact fundamental laws. Different countries and different nationalities have been shaped by different experiences. Hungarians also have the right to adopt a constitution which makes no mention of an ombudsman or a personal data representative. When I hear MEPs talking about the Hungarian Parliament violating fundamental European principles, I cannot help but feel that I do not share the principles to which you refer. Most of all, I would like to congratulate Hungary on its new constitution. The fact that the overwhelming majority of Hungarians support the new legislation is particularly impressive, and proves that the Hungarian nation has moved completely away from the tradition of Communist constitutions, within which the previous constitution had been drafted."@en1

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