Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-04-05-Speech-2-494-000"
Predicate | Value (sorted: default) |
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dcterms:Date | |
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lpv:speaker | |
lpv:spoken text |
"Madam President, I think our aim has to be to keep things as simple as possible for our stakeholders and to ensure – insofar as we can – that beneficiaries can directly apply their usual cost accounting practices for personnel costs, avoiding the need to implement a parallel accounting system as they had to up to now. That obviously brings complexity and a risk of errors. At the end of the day, we accept – I think everyone has to accept – that researchers are not interested in being involved in the misuse of EU funding. They are rather interested in the real, pure basic research that they do, which can lead on to the wonderful innovations that we can see in countries, not just throughout Europe but indeed throughout the world. So we make things as uncomplicated as possible, as simple as possible, for stakeholders."@en1
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The resource appears as object in 2 triples