Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-03-23-Speech-3-055-000"

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". I represent a country from the euro area which at the time did not support the loan for Greece. This was a decision that naturally no one was pleased about. I sincerely hope that similar decisions will not have to be made often. The crisis spared neither the euro area nor the European Union, but our common currency has already proven itself on several occasions. It provides its users with a form of unity and protection which we can be rightly proud of as an EU achievement. For precisely this reason we must protect our currency against future economic swings with an appropriate legislative framework. Thanks to the current Treaty amendment, a European stability mechanism will replace the temporary stability tool. The mechanism reform offers a chance to those in trouble, thus I would prefer it to be used rarely. This is one of the last moments when we can coordinate our economic and financial systems. I supported this highly realistic and constructive solution with my vote. As Parliament has said before, the structural causes of the crisis need to be tackled. A repeat of a situation similar to the experiences of the recent past must be prevented."@en1

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