Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-02-16-Speech-3-288-000"

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". The sustainability of our pension systems is a problem which has been passed around like a hot potato in Europe for far too long. The percentage of people who are retired is rising. In an effort to keep pensions at a sustainable level, the Member States have no choice but to reform their pension systems. This is directly linked to the sustainability of public finances and the rules for a healthy eurozone, the Stability and Growth Pact. I wholeheartedly support rapporteur Oomen-Ruijten when she highlights the importance of pension build-up via the employer (what is known as the second pillar) and individual pension build-up (the third pillar). Unfortunately, we can no longer assume that the state pension (the first pillar) will be enough to sustain the level of lifestyle which workers have worked to achieve. The aspect of subsidiarity requires further elaboration. At the eurozone level, we need agreements by which Member States will guarantee that the reform of their pension systems will translate into sustainable public finances. Which choices are made as part of that process should, in my view, remain a matter for Member States alone. Questions such as women’s participation in the labour market should be a matter for social and labour market policy. Where people voluntarily choose part-time work, in order to better combine work, family and caring responsibilities, this should not be discouraged by Europe."@en1

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