Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-02-15-Speech-2-406-500"
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"Nuclear accidents may occur wherever radioactive materials are used, stored or transported, so not only in nuclear power stations, but also in hospitals, universities, research laboratories and industrial plants, on roads and railway lines, in ports and in shipyards.
The rapporteur rightly notes that radioactive substances may continue to have an impact for a great many years, and the overriding aim should always be to protect human life and health. At present, more and more food is irradiated in order to make it last longer. It is worth bearing in mind that irradiation destroys vitamins – up to 90% of vitamin A in chickens, 86% of vitamin B in oats and 70% of vitamin C in fruit juices. Foodstuffs are therefore made to last longer at the expense of their nutritional value. Research has proven that irradiation kills bacteria, but it does not destroy viruses or remove dirt or toxins which could get into meat in non-sterile and unhygienic slaughterhouses and meat-processing plants.
Irradiation also contributes to the large-scale, expensive and wasteful transport of food, particularly by large corporations. Food which is produced and consumed locally does not need to be irradiated. It is my belief that the Member States should keep in place their food and feed control systems with regard to maximum permissible levels of radioactive contamination and constantly improve and review them, as suggested by the rapporteur."@en1
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