Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-02-15-Speech-2-161-000"

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"Madam President, I would like to explain why the majority of the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe has abstained from voting on this directive. It is good that we have made a decision and that the rights of people with disabilities are being respected. However, that is only the case over longer distances. Many of the other points are not worthy of a European directive. For example, because the directive only covers journeys over 250 kilometres, there are many countries where it does not apply. Cyprus, Malta and Luxembourg have no rights, in just the same way as some other Member States which do not have bus routes that are longer than 250 kilometres. The free movement of people, goods and services is one of Europe’s central principles. Now it is the poorer passengers who are not protected, because some Member States have no system of passengers’ rights. This is why we have abstained. There are some positive aspects, but also many negative aspects, and this is the reason for our abstention."@en1

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