Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-12-16-Speech-4-040"

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"Mr President, it seems that the majority of Members who took the floor stressed the importance of this European initiative and the real added value of it. They stressed the importance of this initiative in promoting Europe, the common European history and heritage, the educational value of this initiative and its significance in creating and encouraging more cultural dialogue. I am very pleased and very grateful for this approval. I would like to make it clear that the experts who are going to be appointed for the decisions on this important initiative will certainly have the highest professional credentials to make sure that they choose not only the best and highest value sites, but also ideas. Let me remind you that this heritage is not only about sites, but also about intangible cultural heritage. For example, in Portugal, we have the decree which was the first decree in Europe abolishing the death sentence. That was included with the list of labels, so this heritage can be intangible as well. I also want to clarify that our purpose is indeed to have a simplified procedure – quality but simplification is important. That is why we have not accepted the Council’s proposal that after the experts’ group, the initiative would go to comitology, as that would create red tape and waste valuable time for the decision to be adopted. I would like to finish by saying that in these times of economic crisis which create divisions between the peoples of Europe politically, socially and economically, we need initiatives like this which will bring the people of Europe together. They will have a sense of identity, and we have to stress the importance of our common cultural heritage whose richness does indeed lie in its diversity. Common but diverse cultural heritage is what will unite us. I would like to thank you once again for your support, especially Ms Paliadeli and the shadow rapporteurs for this excellent cooperation we had, and I am looking forward to the final adoption of this important initiative in the near future."@en1

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