Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-11-25-Speech-4-992"

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dcterms:Is Part Of
lpv:document identification number
lpv:translated text
"I voted in favour of the resolution on the current 2011 budget negotiations because it is essential that Parliament takes up its new and legitimate role in defining the European Union’s budget now that the Treaty of Lisbon has entered into force. As the Conciliation Committee has failed to reach agreement despite all Parliament’s efforts, we have restated a number of points on which the Council needs to be flexible. Firstly, the need for greater flexibility up to the end of the multiannual financial framework 2007-2013 in order to take into account the new competences conferred on the European Union and, secondly, for Parliament to be fully involved in the negotiations on the post-2013 financial framework. Lastly, when the Commission has agreed to present detailed proposals on the creation of own resources for the EU, we want the Council to undertake that Parliament will be fully included in the discussions on those proposals. This resolution will send a strong message to the European Council when it meets on 16 and 17 December 2010."@en1

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