Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-11-25-Speech-4-278"

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dcterms:Is Part Of
lpv:document identification number
lpv:translated text
"Implementing most of the measures proposed in this report would not mean taking positive steps to combat climate change. On the contrary, supporting the Treaty of Lisbon and ‘free trade’, implementing palliative controls on the environmental degradation caused by the liberalisation of trade, will only exacerbate the environmental degradation that is increasingly threatening our planet and its people. What is at stake here is whether we accept the continuation of the unbridled exploitation of natural resources, workers and peoples in order to serve the dominant capitalist system, which is in permanent crisis. As far as we are concerned, we do not support it, and we are therefore against the following: continuing to insist on controlling emissions through the emissions trading scheme, which has shown that instead of reducing emissions, it increases them; greater opening up of the markets and the division of labour at global level, so that EU capital can get its hands on the resources of the countries of the developing world, thereby lowering costs and increasing profits; and green capitalism, which associates ‘climate protection and trade liberalisation’ and ‘trade in environmental goods and services’."@en1

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