Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-11-11-Speech-4-187"

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"I voted for the European Parliament Resolution on the mobilisation of the EGF for granting aid to redundant workers. In October 2009, Ireland submitted a request for assistance to use the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) in connection with the redundancies which were made in the company SR Technics, operating in the air transport sector in the Dublin region of Ireland. The global financial and economic crisis has reduced the level of air transport activity, which has resulted in a huge wave of redundancies in this sector too. In Ireland, 1 135 redundancies were recorded between April and August 2009, including 850 made at the company SR Technics Ireland Ltd. While acknowledging the important role played by the EGF in reintegrating redundant workers into the labour market, which is also corroborated by the 11 or so applications approved in 2010 alone, amounting to a total of more than EUR 30 million, I believe that this instrument is still not sufficiently well known and used by Member States. I also urge the European Commission to analyse the redundancies made during the economic crisis in the public sector and to develop a similar instrument to the EGF, which will support workers made redundant in the public sector in various Member States."@en1

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