Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-10-21-Speech-4-068"

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". Mr President, I would like to thank Mrs Meissner for a well-thought-out and comprehensive report, to which there is scarcely anything to add. Like Mrs Meissner, I am a strong supporter of coherence between policy areas, interdisciplinary research programmes and new challenges, but what concerns me most of all are the problems relating to the pollution of our seas. We adopt so many reports in this House that they are, unfortunately, forgotten soon after they have been adopted. I would therefore like to remind the Commission of an additional protocol that Parliament adopted on 26 January this year, in other words nearly nine months ago. It concerned the establishment of cooperation between EU Member States for combating disasters in the North-East Atlantic. This is a subject that Mrs Meissner also mentions in paragraph 4 of her report. To this day, I have not received any feedback from the Commission on this subject, either with regard to whether any steps have been taken towards the establishment of such cooperation or preparedness amongst Member States, or whether the Commission itself perhaps intends to establish a state of preparedness for the EU. All of this is despite the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico that we have only just finished dealing with and the threat posed by the far too old and rusty oil wells in the North Sea. So, I would now – once again – like to ask the Commission: What has happened with regard to the disaster preparedness for our seas? Will we have to wait for something serious to happen first before Europe wakes up?"@en1

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