Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-10-07-Speech-4-041"

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"Mr President, at a time when Member States are reducing public spending, in the UK our government is seeking to overhaul the benefits system to make work pay more. I do believe, then, in this context, that funds such as the ESF have a vital role to play in ensuring the employability of those who are hard to reach and low-skilled. We in Northern Ireland receive significant funding from the ESF administered through the Department for Learning and Employment, and I note that in a recent House of Lords enquiry into the ESF, it was noted the ESF continues to make a significant contribution to supporting economic growth in Northern Ireland, aimed at creating a knowledge-based economy with a highly skilled and flexible workforce. It is therefore essential that future ESF projects and the money directed towards them can be considered in the context of domestic schemes, many of which have similar aims. That level of joined up and targeted thinking can only bring greater rewards. Regional flexibility is of the utmost importance for the successful operation of the ESF. Post-2013, I believe that the limited resources of the ESF should continue to be focused on assisting the hardest to reach and least skilled into work or back into work through access to training and further education."@en1

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