Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-09-06-Speech-1-100"
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"Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, first of all, I should like to commend the work of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development and, hence, of Mr Bové.
Food and commodity price volatility is causing major problems for our farmers. Their average income fell by more than 12% in the European Union in 2009, with peaks where some revenues fell by half. Our farmers have to be able to generate a fair income from their work, on the one hand, and to produce food products that meet demanding quality standards at prices that are affordable to consumers, on the other.
Our three challenges are therefore as follows: to ensure that farmers have fair volumes and prices so that they can carry out stable, secure and, above all, profitable production, and can do so with an idea of their future revenues; to improve the balance of the food chain and price transparency in the interests of consumers; and to ensure that policy finally benefits farmers and consumers and not other links in this chain, which at present make it more complex.
Thanks to the work done in the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr Bové’s report is balanced. It proposes some solutions to the challenges that I have just identified. In my view, it is necessary to implement a new form of market regulation, based, in particular, on better integration of the various links in the chain.
Strengthening producer organisations, offering standard contracts in certain sectors, and encouraging self-regulation initiatives: those, in my view, are good avenues to explore. Furthermore, it is essential to promote quality products and sustainable production; to do so, we need a credible European system, and quality labels and signs. The agricultural market does need to be regulated, but in a proportionate and intelligent way."@en1
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