Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-07-06-Speech-2-131"

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"Mr President, it has become a journalistic cliché to talk about the events in Greece as a tragedy, but I think we can fairly define them as a tragedy in the classic Sophoclean sense. We had the hubris of the boom years when we pretended that Greek and German debt were interchangeable. Now we have the nemesis of the overdue market correction. But the catharsis has been artificially stayed. Rather than allowing a natural market correction, which is to say, Greece minting its own currency and pricing itself back into the European markets, we are instead pursuing this policy of pretending that better statistics or more regional aid or more shifting around of money through sales taxes or European debt agencies will somehow postpone the inevitable. In fact, what we are doing is condemning the people of Greece and – I hope I am wrong – possibly the people of the other Mediterranean countries to years of recession, stagnation and unemployment – but we are at least generating employment for ourselves because we are justifying our own existence. Thus we see the true purpose of the European Union, namely, the employment of its own employees."@en1

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