Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-05-20-Speech-4-188"

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"The ultimate objective of the cohesion policy is reducing disparities between the levels of economic development of the various regions, targeting resources specifically for growth and employment. The 2020 strategy presents significant and ambitious challenges for Europe in five areas that are seen as strategic: (i) employment; (ii) innovation and research; (iii) climate change and energy; (iv) education, and (v) combating poverty. As I have said, this is an ambitious and daring strategy. I agree with the rapporteur that it must be conceived so that it is in harmony with future cohesion policy, and that the 2020 strategy must also be implemented at regional and local level, something that failed to happen with the Lisbon Strategy. This is crucial for economic development and growth in the different regions. As I come from a region of Portugal whose interests and wishes are often passed over in the interests of centralised power, as I have already publicly stated, I believe that implementing the 2020 strategy objectives at regional level may be of greater benefit to more balanced regional development."@en1

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