Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-05-18-Speech-2-139"

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"A migratory policy, Mr President, that seeks to be fair and realistic, necessarily requires the adoption of shared European regulations on asylum and must also make provision for a resettlement programme that is effective, solid and sustainable. At this point, I feel I must emphasise that resettlement pursues not only a humanitarian aim, but also the political and economic goal of relieving third countries of the burden of accepting large numbers of refugees, and the equally great burden of sharing costs and financial responsibilities. We believe, however, that one budget line and one form of financial support are not enough and so we urge Member States to promote the creation of further private financing mechanisms, encouraging public-private partnerships with NGOs and other social partners, such as religious and ethnic organisations, in order to help promote voluntary work in this sector. Where new financial perspectives are concerned, we think it would be a good idea, for example, to make provision for a specific ad hoc financial allocation, perhaps by means of a new fund set up for this purpose. Finally, we propose a firm commitment from all those involved to offering refugees, especially the most vulnerable, access to appropriate housing, education and language courses, health care, psychological services, as well as access to the job market, which is essential to ensure that they become properly integrated."@en1

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